Dress code. Policy for smokers. Commission payments. End-Of-Year bonus

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You are managers of a retail fashion chain called Space. You are holding your regular management meeting. Use the Managing Director’s notes below as an agenda for your discussions. A different person should chair each item.

1.  Dress code.

Following complaints from customers, we need to discuss ideas for a dress code for all employees, as well as guidelines on personal appearance.

I think if the complaints from customers received, then we have to take certain steps. I am not a supporter of strict dress-code, so we will not be dressing all employees in absolutely the same clothes. My suggestion it is business style clothing. For example, a usual suit for men and a skirt with a blouse for women are the ideal solution. Employees who are in contact with customers should have neat appearance. I mean, that tattoos, piercings and everything like that shouldn't be in prominent places. I think that after such a reform, customers would stop complaining.

2.  Policy for smokers

Non-smoking staff complain that staff who smoke take frequent ‘cigarette breaks’ outside the store. Should smokers work extra time to make up for the time lost?

I think that the smoking ban is not the best idea. Let the people have the opportunity to relax in this way. After all, we know that short rest has positive impact on productivity. But we should prohibit frequent 'cigarette breaks'. We will allow people to smoke at certain times. Suppose employees will smoke every 2.5-3 hours to 15 minutes maximum. So, we will not lose much of the staff and the productivity will remain the same.

3.  Commission payments

At present, commission is based on quarterly sales at each store and is divided equally between all staff. Now, our Sales Director wants each person to receive commission according to their individual sales.

This is an excellent idea! Totally agree with this proposal. Thanks to this reform employees will have a huge incentive to work. And we will be able to unleash the potential of each. I think more the discussion has no sense.

4.  End-Of-Year bonus

Staff receive sales vouchers as an end-of-year bonus. The vouchers give discounts on a range of goods at major department stores. Some managers are proposing to issue no sales vouchers this year. Instead, staff will be invited to an end-of-year party.

In principle, such a change is interesting. However, I think that most employees will be dissatisfied. Maybe we can combine these two types of promotion. Of course, our costs will increase. But we can slightly reduce the number of vouchers. Thus, such a combination of ideas will have a positive impact on the atmosphere in the collective.

5.  Staff turnover

Staff tend to be young so employee turnover is high. As a result, training costs have increased dramatically. What can be done to keep staff longer?

I think all the changes from the previous paragraphs will change the situation for the better. But we should consider the introduction of additional bonuses for employees. We can develop a specific system organization. For example, if an employee works for a long time in our store, then he will have big bonuses. I think this question should submit for separate discussion and to consider it in detail.

1. Дресс-код.

После жалоб от клиентов, мы должны обсудить идеи для дресс-кода для всех сотрудников, а также руководящие принципы по внешности.

Я считаю, если жалобы от клиентов поступают, то мы должны предпринять определенные меры. Я не являюсь приверженцем строгого дресс-кода, поэтому мы не будем одевать всех сотрудников в абсолютно одинаковую одежду. Мое предложение – это деловой стиль одежды. Например, обычный костюм для мужчин и юбка с блузкой для женщин это является идеальным решением проблемы. Сотрудники, которые контактируют с клиентами, должны иметь опрятный внешний вид. Я имею в виду, что татуировки, пирсинг и все в этом роде должны отсутствовать на видных местах. Думаю, после такой реформы, клиенты перестанут жаловаться.

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