Возвратные местоимения. Склонение возвратных местоимений, соответствующих личным местоимениям. Модальный глагол may в значении разрешения, страница 4

There is the whole family waiting for Emily (ожидающая)

Emily looked happy, opening the present (открывая)

Упражнение 9. Замените сложноподчиненное предложение на простое, употребив Participle I, по образцу: I must be careful when I’m unpacking the parcel. – I must be careful unpacking the parcel. Обратите внимание на одновременность действий.

1. When Emily was opening her presents, she looked happy. 2. When the children were going to school, they had a look at their house. 3. When they were living in their house in a suburb of London, they were happy. 4. When he was looking for information on the Internet, he found an interesting web-site. 5. When she is having a running nose, a she must stay in bed. 6. When she is recovering, she often calls us up.

1.9 Participle II; Present Perfect (Un. 4:1.4)

   Причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II) также может употребляться самостоятельно. В этом случае на русский язык оно переводиться причастием страдательного залога настоящего или прошедшего времени, например:

Every body will like the pictures taken with the new camera (снимаемые)

The pens given by Michael are of 4 colors (подаренные).

Упражнение 10. Замените Participle II на Present Perfect по образцу: I like the present even packed. – She has packed the present and I like it even packed.

1. The sitting-room completely furnished looks very nice. 2. Pictures taken at Emily’s birthday are lovely. 3. The letter sent just now will be in Moscow tomorrow. 4. The candles blown out are standing on the table. 5. Cakes made for Emily’s birthday are excellent. 6. The chocolates given Emily are very tasty. 7. I’ll read the postcards brought today after breakfast.

1.10. PresentPerfect(Un.4:1.4)

Упражнение 11. Ответьте на вопросы. Объясните употребление PresentPerfect

1. Has Emily often written letters to her Uncle Tom? 2. Has the postman brought Emily’s birthday cards this morning? 3. Has Dora had breakfast yet? 4. How long has Harry’s father smoked? 5. Has Emily taken part in at a concert at school yet? 6. Has Michael persuaded his father to buy a new computer yet?

1.11. PastPerfect(Un.4:1.5)

Упражнение 12. Из двух предложений в прошедшем времени сделайте одно сложноподчиненное, в котором более раннее действие выражено PastPerfect.

1. Father bought the camera for Emily. He went to Russia. 2. She could come and see us herself. She recovered. 3. It rained. She went shopping. 4. She consulted her doctor. She went home, had some hot tea with honey and took some medicine. 5. His father dropped smoking. He feet better.

1.12. Future in the Past (Un.4:1.5)

Упражнение 13. Измените временные формы предложений: вместо Present Indefinite и Future Indefinite употребите Past Indefinite и Future in the Past.

1. I know you will like it. 2. We hope she will feel better soon. 3. He says he will abandon smoking. 4. They write. There will be somebody, who will look after them. 5. She is sure everybody will enjoy it. 6. I hope it will be a masterpiece of a cake.

2. Лексико-грамматический комментарий

2.1 Manyhappyreturnsofyourbirthday! – Поздравляю с днем рождения, желаю долгих лет жизни!

2.2 We won’t be able to have breakfast until you have done it.  – Мы не сможем позавтракать, пока ты не сделаешь это. В придаточных предложениях, вводимых союзом until (till), сказуемое в отличиe от русского языка стоит в утвердительной форме.

2.3.  Whatanicecard! Какая симпатичная открытка!

   Упражнение 14. Выразите восхищение, используя лексику этого и предыдущих уроков (5 восклицаний).

2.4 Twoweekslongв течение двух недель.

2.5 With lots of good wishes. – C массой наилучших пожеланий.

2.6  Imeagertohear. – Мне не терпится узнать (услышать).