Запуск и управление инстанцией в СУБД ORACLE, страница 9

       206 blank_trimming                                                            1 FALSE                                                                            TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE blank trimming semantics parameter                              

       207 always_anti_join                                                          2 NESTED_LOOPS                                                                     FALSE     FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE always use this anti-join when possible                        

       208 partition_view_enabled                                                    1 FALSE                                                                            TRUE      TRUE  FALSE     FALSE      FALSE enable/disable partitioned views                               

       209 v733_plans_enabled                                                        1 FALSE                                                                            TRUE      TRUE  FALSE     FALSE      FALSE enable/disable several performance features introduced in 7.3.3

       210 b_tree_bitmap_plans                                                       1 FALSE                                                                            TRUE      TRUE  FALSE     FALSE      FALSE enable the use of bitmap plans for tables w. only B-tree indexes

       212 cursor_space_for_time                                                     1 FALSE                                                                            TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE use more memory in order to get faster execution               

       213 session_cached_cursors                                                    3 0                                                                                TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE number of cursors to save in the session cursor cache          

       214 text_enable                                                               1 TRUE                                                                             FALSE     TRUE  FALSE     FALSE      FALSE enable text searching                                          

       215 remote_dependencies_mode                                                  2 timestamp                                                                        TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE remote-procedure-call dependencies mode parameter              

       216 utl_file_dir                                                              2                                                                                  TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE utl_file accessible directories list                           

       217 job_queue_processes                                                       3 0                                                                                TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE number of job queue processes to start                         

       218 job_queue_interval                                                        3 60                                                                               TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE Wakeup interval in seconds for job queue processes             

       219 job_queue_keep_connections                                                1 FALSE                                                                            TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE Keep network connections between execution of jobs              

       220 snapshot_refresh_processes                                                3 1                                                                                FALSE     FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE number of job queue processes to start                         

       221 snapshot_refresh_interval                                                 3 60                                                                               TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE Wakeup interval in seconds for job queue processes