Запуск и управление инстанцией в СУБД ORACLE, страница 5

       116 gc_files_to_locks                                                         2                                                                                  TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE Mapping between file numbers and hash buckets                  

       117 thread                                                                    3 0                                                                                TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE Redo thread to mount                                           

       121 checkpoint_process                                                        1 FALSE                                                                            TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE create a separate checkpoint process                           

       122 log_checkpoints_to_alert                                                  1 FALSE                                                                            TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE log checkpoint begin/end to alert file                         

       123 recovery_parallelism                                                      3 0                                                                                TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE number of server processes to use for parallel recovery        

       125 temporary_table_locks                                                     3 60                                                                               FALSE     FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE temporary table locks                                          

       126 dml_locks                                                                 3 100                                                                              FALSE     FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE dml locks - one for each table modified in a transaction       

       127 row_locking                                                               2 always                                                                           TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE row-locking                                                    

       128 serializable                                                              1 FALSE                                                                            TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE serializable                                                    

       129 delayed_logging_block_cleanouts                                           1 TRUE                                                                             TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE turn on delayed-logging block cleanouts feature                

       130 instance_number                                                           3 0                                                                                TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE instance number                                                

       133 max_rollback_segments                                                     3 30                                                                               TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE max. number of rollback segments in SGA cache                  

       134 transactions                                                              3 66                                                                               FALSE     FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE max. number of concurrent active transactions                  

       135 transactions_per_rollback_segment                                         3 16                                                                               FALSE     FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE number of active transactions per rollback segment             

       136 rollback_segments                                                         2                                                                                  TRUE      FALSE FALSE     FALSE      FALSE undo segment list