Итоговый тест по дисциплине "Иностранный язык" (Тест из 204 вопросов с отметками на правильных ответах), страница 2

S: The Greek physician Galen performed experiment on ###.

: animals

S: It takes me three hours to do ...

: A home assignments.

: My home assignments.

: Home assignments.

: My house assignments.


S: The British universities are … institutions.

: common

: few

: new

: private


S: American education is more … than British.

: exciting

: necessary

: urgent

: practical


S: Соответствие понятий английским эквивалентам.

L1: практика

L2: длиться

L3: посещать

L4: зачеты

R1: training

R2: last

R3: attend

R4: credit tests

R5: spend


S: Соответствие понятий английским эквивалентам.

L1: принимать

L2: очное обучение

L3: курс обучения

L4: обеспечивать

R1: admit

R2: full time study

R3: curriculum

R4: provide

R5: tuition


S: The academic year is divided into two ###.

: terms

V2: Термины и профессиональная лексика


S: … have many advantages over other types of drugs.

: vitamins

: glycosides

: liquid dosage forms

: solid dosage forms


S: Латинские сокращения и их эквиваленты, употребляемые в английских рецептах.

L1: a.c.

L2: i

L3: ne.rep.

L4: p.r.n.

R1: before meal

R2: one or one time

R3: not to be repeated

R4: as needed

R5: signature


S: Латинские сокращения и их эквиваленты, употребляемые в английских рецептах.

L1: i.i.stat

L2: in

L3: i.d.

L4: t.i.d.

R1: two tablets at once

R2: mix

R3: once a day

R4: three times a day

R5: as needed


S: Pharmaceutical industry is not filled with names …

: technical

: proprietary

: generic

: national


S: Установите соответствия.

L1: a drug substance

L2: a drug product

L3: inert substances

L4: a vehicle

R1: active pharmaceutical ingredient

R2: a finished dosage form

R3: excipients

R4: formulation matrix

R5: entity


Q: Последовательность этапов разработки новых лекарств.

1: assessing drug toxicity

2: clinical testing on volunteers

3: multicenter clinical trials

4: submission of a new drug application for review and approval

5: submission of application for market approval

6: improvement of the drug product

7: manufacturing

S: The doctor administered the drug to … pain.

: reveal

: impair

: relieve

: complete


S: The identification of the case history doesn’t include…

: name

: occupation

: age

: the remedies taken


S: … one of the objective symptoms.

: dizziness

: malaise

: headache

: vomiting


S: Установите соответствия.

L1: Therapeutist

L2: Neurologist

L3: Surgeon

L4: ENT specialist

R1: a person who treats the diseases of the inner organs

R2: a physician who treats the diseases of the nervous system

R3: a person who performs operations

R4: a doctor who treats ears, nose and throat diseases

R5: a person who investigates nature

S: Установите соответствия.

L1: прописывать

L2: приемный покой

L3: выздоровление

L4: причина

R1: prescribe

R2: reception ward

R3: recovery

R4: cause

R5: relief

S: The doctor administered the drug to … pain.

: reveal

: impair

: relieve

: complete

S: … is one of the subjective symptom.

: vomiting

: fever

: nausea

: bleeding


S: Установите соответствия.

L1: размножаться

L2: выявлять

L3: нарушать

L4: случаться

R1: multiply

R2: reveal

R3: impair

R4: occur

R5: persist


S: A constant flow of stimuli comes into the brain through the …

: feelings

: vision

: blood vessels

: spinal cord


S: Установите соответствия.

L1: exertion

L2: prolong

L3: rate

L4: discharge

R1: нагрузка

R2: продлевать

R3: частота

R4: выделять

R5: зависимость


S: The most numerous cellular elements are …

: thrombocytes

: leucocytes

: hemoglobin

: erythrocytes


S: Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of ### for the cardiac muscle.

: contraction


S: The accomplishment of the respiratory process is due to …

: oxygen

: breathing

: plasma

: hemoglobin


Q: Расположите последовательно органы пищеварительной системы.

1: pharynx

2: esophagus

3: stomach

4: intestine


S: Установите соответствия.

L1: предсердие