Образование. Education: Методические указания по английскому языку (Education in Great Britain. Education in Russia. Siberian Transport University)

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Методические указания по английскому языку

для студентов 1и 2 курсов всех специальностей СГУПСа

Новосибирск 2005

УДК 802.0

Образование. Education:  Метод. указ. по английскому языку для студентов 1 и 2 курсов всех специальностей СГУПС / Сост. , Е.Т.. – Новосибирск: Изд-во СГУПСа, 2005. -   34 с.

Методические указания включают материалы о системах образования Великобритании, США, России, а также о Сибирском государственном университете путей сообщения. Упражнения направлены на развитие навыков устной речи. Предусмотрены упражнения для студентов разного уровня подготовки.

Указания предназначены для студентов 1 и 2  курсов всех специальностей СГУПСа.

Методические указания рассмотрены и рекомендованы к печати на заседании кафедры «Иностранные языки».

О т в е т с т в е н н ы й  р е д а к т о р

ст. преп. кафедры «Иностранные языки»


Р е ц е н з е н т :

Кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации Новосибирской государственной медицинской академии (завкафедрой к.фил.н. Т.Ф.Извекова)

к.пед.н., доцент О.С.Шалопаева

                                                                                     © , 2005

                                                                                 © Сибирский государственный

                     университет путей сообщения, 2005

UNIT 1      Education in Great Britain

1. Warm-up

1. Do you like to study?

2. Is it difficult for you to study?

3. Is it important to get a good education?

4. Look at the scheme and try to answer the questions:

a) What age do children start school at in the UK?

b) What’s the school-leaving age in the UK?      

c) Is the system of education in the UK the same or different from Russian educational system?













Infant Schools

Junior Schools

Primary Education

Assessment Test







Secondary Schools


Modern, Grammar, Technical)

Secondary Education

Exam for General Certificate of Secondary Education






Sixth Form

A-Level exam






or  College

or Polytechnic

3 or 4 year course

Higher Education

Final exam for the first degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Science (B.Sc.)





Post-graduate studies at the University

Research paper or theses for the higher degree Master of Arts


Important research  for a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Part 1     Primary and secondary education in Great Britain

1.1 Reading

Before reading Text 1 look at these word combinations and give their Russian equivalents:

to enter school

primary education

secondary education

Infant School

Junior School

compulsory attendance

full-time education

private (public) school

boarding school

to give a good academic background

physical and mental disability

unified school-leaving exam

educational establishment

to provide general education

free of charge

to ban corporal punishment

to lay foundation of a successful future

to fail (in)  an examination

the education is available

comprehensive (grammar, modern) school

to take (do) exam

to pass exam

for all abilities and sexes

to develop the talents

to move to the next class

at the age of 5

school leavers

General Certificate of Secondary Education

A-Level (Advanced Level)

high fees

wide range of subjects

academic year

to fund the school

strict discipline

a mark (grade) in Physics

to sit papers

Text 1.    Schools in Great Britain

1. Read the text quickly to find out peculiarities of the British educational system.

The basis features of public education in Great Britain are the following:

-  full-time education is compulsory up to the middle teenage years;

-  the academic year begins at the end of summer;

-  compulsory education is free of charge, but parents can spend money on educating their children privately outside the state system if they want to (the fees are high).

There are three recognized stages of education: primary, secondary and “further” education.

The first stage is primary education from 5 to 11 years old. Primary education takes place in infant schools where pupils are taught basic reading, writing, arithmetic, art, etc., and in junior schools (from 8 to 11 years old) which mark the transition from play to “real work”.

The second stage is secondary education from 11 to 16/18 years old. Children must go to school until the age of 16, and pupils may stay on for one or two years if they wish. Free secondary education is available to all children in comprehensive schools, which are not selective – children don’t have to pass an exam to go there. Comprehensive schools in the UK are for all abilities and sexes. They develop the talents of each individual child.  Comprehensive schools teach wide range of subjects in arts, crafts, woodwork, domestic science, modern languages, sciences, technical areas and computer studies. All pupils move to the next class automatically at the end of the year. There are also a small number of secondary modern schools, offering a more practical education, grammar schools, providing a more academic education and technical schools, offering a combination of academic and technical teaching. There are also special schools for children with  physical or mental disabilities.

Private (or public) schools are for pupils aged up to 13. They are very expensive and accept pupils on the basis of an examination. Most of them are boarding schools. The education is of a high quality. The discipline is very strict, corporal punishment has been recently banned in state schools, but in most public schools it is still allowed. At 18 most public school-leavers gain entry to universities. Public schools are famous for their ability to lay foundation of a successful future by giving their pupils a good academic backgroundand self-confidence. About 7 percent of schoolchildren go to private schools.

The school-leaving exams are set by independent examining boards and held in May/June. All schools share the same unified school-leaving exam. The main exam is the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE

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