Project 2000. Windows Installer, страница 6


; If a value is present, the MSI section gives the name of the MSI file to install.

; This file must be in the same directory as setup.exe, and both must be in the root

; of the installation tree.

; If no value is present, setup.exe will look for exactly one file matching "*.msi"

; in its directory and if found, use that.




; If a value is present, the MST section gives the full path to a transform to apply.

; Specify it in the form MST1=path to MST

; Remember to uncomment both the section name and the value names.


;MST1=\\server\share\some transform.mst

;MST1=D:\transforms\my transform.mst


; If a value is present, the [Options] section gives the values of properties to apply to

; this installation. Specify them in the format:

; PropName=PropValue

; Remember to uncomment both the section name and the value names.




; If a value is present, the [Display] section overrides default UI modes.

; Display has one of the following values:

;                       quiet, none, basic, reduced, full

; CompletionNotice - if this value is present gives whether or not to display

; a setup completion noticefor otherwise quiet setups. The completion notice will

; only appear if Setup does not need to reboot to complete the installation.

; Remember to uncomment both the section name and the value names.





; If a value is present, the logging section provides default logging information.

; There are three possible values, all are optional and have defaults as shown below


;           Value               Default                         Description

;           Type                 <none>                         Logging mode to use, e.g. ea

;                                                                       Use * to get all logging modes; + to append to the

;                                                                       logfile if it exists.

;           Path                 %TEMP%                    Path to create logfiles in. May contain environment variables.

;                                                                       Final component may be non-existent and will be created.

;           Template          SetupLog(*).txt             File name for log file. May contain environment variables.

;                                                                       Should end in "(*).txt"; the * is replaced with a zero-padded

;                                                                       4 digit number to make the file name unique.



;Template=Microsoft Project %UserName%(*).txt

Template=Microsoft Project 2000 Setup(*).txt


When To Use The Setup Settings File

When a user double-clicks Setup.exe, Setup reads the customizations from the SETUP.INI file automatically. A Setup settings file should be used when it is not necessary or viable for users to enter a complicated command line when they run Setup or when there is no need to create a batch file or shortcut.

The settings file is also useful when an administrator wants to set options that are awkward to include in a command line. The settings file organizes Setup options in an easy-to-read format that typically will be more helpful than creating a long command line.

Administrators can create multiple settings files for different groups of users. Users specify the settings file they want to use by using the /settings Setup command-line option. It is also possible to specify Setup command-line options along with a custom Setup settings file. If a command-line option is specified that conflicts with a value in the settings file, Setup uses the command-line option.

For example, an administrator can create two settings files for the Engineering and Accounting departments. Users in each department run Setup by using one of the following command lines:

setup.exe /settings off9engr.ini

setup.exe /settings off9acct.ini