For Win95/WinNT
Ó 1998 by Winni Weide
Table of contents:
1.) Short introduction
2.) Installation / Uninstall
3.) What the program does
4.) How to use the program / screenshots
5.) Some input conventions and conversions
6.) Legal information
1.) Short introduction:
Please forgive me if some things sound strange, but english is not my mothertongue.
The idea to make this application came across my mind when I was doing some bandfilter-calculations.That for I had to calculate inductances of coils,capacitances and more.So I started to find out if there are programs which do that work for me.Quite soon I had to learn that there are tons of such programs, BUT every prog just did very few calculations.Consequently I would have had to download about 20 programs.So I decided to write an application that does include the most important of those calculations.
2.) Installation / Uninstall:
· Establish a new directory on your HDD ('WinRLC', e.g.).
· Copy / extract the executable (WinRLC.EXE) to that directory.
· As the program does not leave any tracks in your windows registry,just delete it from your HDD.
3.) What the program does:
· Calculation of L - C,and R - C bandfilters.
· Calculation of L - C,and R - C bandpasses.
· Calculation of L - C,L - R and R - C highpasses.
· Calculation of L - C,L - R and R - C lowpasses.
· Calculation of resistances.
· Calculation of coils.
· Calculation of capacitors.
4.) How to use the program:
In the picture above you can see the initial dialog.All main topics are listed here.In order to select a topic(expand the tree), you can either doubleclick the item,or you can press ENTER,RETURN or ®.To deselect a topic(collapse the tree) again double click on the topic,or again press ENTER,RETURN or ¬ |
In the picture above you can see a fully expanded tree.The text on the right side of the green icons shortly describes what will be calculated for a specific input.The related input mask(dialog) will appear when you doubleclick either on the green icon or the description.Of course you can also press ENTER or RETURN. |
The picture above showes a dialog right after its selection.All dialogs of WinRLCÓ are divided into 3 sections.In the INPUT section takes all your entries.The OUTPUT section shows you the calculations' result.The OVERVIEW section gives you a short overview of what you are calculating,and what the whole thing is all about. |
After you have done all required entries either click on CALCULATE or press ENTER or RETURN in order to get the result /output. |
In the output section of the picture above you can see '1.#INF' as a result.This will happen if you don't give the program ALL of the required variables for a calculation,or if you make one of the variables = 0. |
In some calculations,where it is quite important that some variables don't exceed or fall short of a certain value,the program will inform you if this is going to happen. |
5.) Some input conventions and conversions:
The program always tells you both the required input units and the output units.
Example: If the required input unit is F (Farad) and you want to enter 12 pF (pico Farad) you have to type 12e-012 .
Some units and how to enter them:('x' stand for any number)
Abbreviation |
Unit |
How to enter |
k |
kilo |
xe+003 |
m |
milli |
xe-003 |
µ |
micro |
xe-006 |
n |
nano |
xe-009 |
p |
pico |
xe-012 |
More units and conversions |
1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm |
1 foot = 12 inch |
1 inch = 1000 mil |
1 foot = 0,3048 m = 30,48 cm = 304,8 mm |
1 inch = 2,54 cm = 25,4 mm |
1 mil = 0,0254 mm |
1 H = 1000 mH = 1 000 000 µH = 1 000 000 000 nH = 1 000 000 000 000 pH |
1 F = 1000 mF = 1 000 000 µF = 1 000 000 000 nF = 1 000 000 000 000 pF |
1 W = 1000 mW = 1000 000 µW |
1 MW = 1000 kW = 1 000 000 W |
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