©ISO ISO 10303-1:1994(E)
3.2 Other definitions
For the purposes of ISO 10303, the following definitions apply.
3.2.1 abstract test suite: a part of this International Standard that contains the set of abstract test cases necessary for conformance testing of an implementation of an application protocol.
3.2.2 application: a group of one or more processes creating or using product data.
3.2.3 application activity model (AAM): a model that describes an application in terms of its processes and information flows.
3.2.4 application context: the environment in which the integrated resources are interpreted to support the use of product data in a specific application.
3.2.5 application interpreted model (AIM): an information model that uses the integrated resources necessary to satisfy the information requirements and constraints of an application reference model, within an application protocol.
3.2.6 application object: an atomic element of an application reference model that defines a unique concept of the application and contains attributes specifying the data elements of the object.
3.2.7 application protocol (AP): a part of this International Standard that specifies an application interpreted model satisfying the scope and information requirements for a specific application.
NOTE - This definition differs from the definition used in open'system interconnection (OSI) standards. However, since this International Standard is not intended to be used directly with OSI communications, no confusion should arise.
3.2.8 application reference model (ARM): an information model that describes the information requirements and constraints of a specific application context.
3.2.9 application resource: an integrated resource whose contents are related to a group of application contexts.
3.2.10 assembly: a product that is decomposable into a set of components or other assemblies from the perspective of a specific application.
3.2.11 component: a product that is not subject to decomposition from the perspective of a specific application.
3.2.12 conformance class: a subset of an application protocol for which conformance may be claimed.
ISO 10303-1:1994(E) ©ISO
3.2.13 conformance requirement: a precise, text definition of a characteristic required to be present in a conforming implementation.
3.2.14 data: a representation of information in a formal manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human beings or computers.
3.2.15 data exchange: the storing, accessing, transferring, and archiving of data.
3.2.16 data specification language: a set of rules for defining data and their relationships suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by computers.
3.2.17 exchange structure: a computer-interpretable format used for storing, accessing, transferring, and archiving data.
3.2.18 generic resource: an integrated resource whose contents are context-independent.
3.2.19 implementation method: a part of this International Standard that specifies a technique used by computer systems to exchange product data that is described using the EXPRESS data specification language [ISO 10303-11].
3.2.20 information: facts, concepts, or instructions.
3.2.21 information model: a formal model of a bounded set of facts, concepts or instructions to meet a specified requirement.
3.2.22 integrated resource: a part of this International Standard that defines a group of resource constructs used as the basis for product data.
3.2.23 interpretation: the process of adapting a resource construct from the integrated resources to satisfy a requirement of an application protocol. This may involve the addition of restrictions on attributes, the addition of constraints, the addition of relationships among resource constructs and application constructs, or all of the above.
3.2.24 PICS proforma: a standardized document in the form of a questionnaire, which, when completed for a particular implementation, becomes the protocol implementation conformance statement.
3.2.25 presentation: a recognizable visual representation of product data.
3.2.26 product: a thing or substance produced by a natural or artificial process.
3.2.27 product data: a representation of information about a product in a formal manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human beings or by computers.
3.2.28 product information: facts, concepts, or instructions about a product. 4
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