Фронтальный опрос, объяснение нового материала. Prescribing tablets and suppositories. Tablets are prescribed as follows, страница 2

3.  Write the Latin part of a prescription for the following tablets and suppositories: 1) coated tablets of pentoxyl (Pentoxylum, i n) 0,2 in number 20; 2) tablets “Aёronum” in number 10; 3)  suppositories “Bethiolum” in number 6; 4) suppositories with  euphylline  (Euphyllinum, i n) 0,2 in number 10; 5) tablets of furazolidone (Furazolidonum, i n) 0,1 in number 20.


ü  Exercise 3 in writing.


There are two ways of prescribing some medicinal preparations there. They are detailed and short. Detailed way of prescribing a medicinal preparation includes list of all the ingredients and quantity of each one. If a medicinal preparation is prescribed in a short way, the prescription line contains the name of medicinal form, active medicinal substance, its dose or quantity for the course of treatment. Short way of prescribing prevails because a lot of medicinal preparations are brought to the chemist’s ready-made.

Tablets are prescribed as follows:

1)  - the name of the medicinal form is in the accusative plural (tabulettas),

-  the name of the medicinal substance, placed after the medicinal form, is in the genitive singular (Analgini  0,5),

-  quantity of doses is at the end of a line (numĕro  10):


Tabulettas Analgini  0,5  numĕro  10

Da. Signa:

2)  - the name of the medicinal form is in the accusative singular (tabulettam),

-  the name of the medicinal substance, placed after the medicinal form, is in the genitive singular (Analgini 0,5),

-  next line is occupied with the phrase Da  tales doses numĕro ..., Give of such doses in number … .


Tabulettam Analgini 0,5

Da tales doses numĕro 10


3)  if tablets have got commercial name,

-  the name of the medicinal form is in the accusative plural (tabulettas),

-  the commercial name is placed after the medicinal form, in the nominative and is in inverted commas (“Pentalginum”),

-  quantity of doses is at the end of a line (numĕro  10) :


Tabulettas “Pentalginum” numĕro  10

Da. Signa:

Suppositories are prescribed as follows:

1)  - the name of the medicinal form is in the accusative plural (suppositoria),

-  the name of the medicinal substance, placed after the medicinal form, is given with the preposition cum, (with), and is in the ablative singular (ending -o for the second declension) (cum Nystatino),

-  quantity of doses is at the end of a line (numero 10):


Suppositoria cum Nystatino numero 10

Da. Signa:

2)  if suppositorieshave got commercial name,

-  the name of the medicinal form is in the accusative plural (suppositoria),

-  the commercial name placed after the medicinal form is in the nominative singular and is in inverted commas (“Anusolum”),

-  quantity of doses is at the end of a line (numero 10):


Suppositoria “Anusolum” numero 10

Da. Signa:


1.  Write the Latin part of a prescription for the following tablets:

1) tablets of monomycin (Monomycinum, i n) 0,25 in number 10; 2) tablets of methylandrostendiol (Methylandrostendiolum, i n) 0,025 in number 30; 3) tablets of nitroglycerin (Nitroglycerinum, i n) 0,005 in number 20; 4) tablets “Thepaphyllinum”  in number 10; 5) coated tablets “Quadevitum” in number 25.

2.  Write the Latin part of a prescription for the following suppositories:

1) suppositories with ichthyol (Ichthyolum, i n) 0,2 in number 10; 2) suppositories “Anaesthesolum” in number 12; 3) suppositories “Anusolum” in number 6; 4) suppositories with synthomycin (Synthomycinum, i n) 0, 25 in number 10.

3.  Write the Latin part of a prescription for the following tablets and suppositories:

1) coated tablets of pentoxyl (Pentoxylum, i n) 0,2 in number 20; 2) tablets “Aёronum” in number 10; 3)  suppositories “Bethiolum” in number 6; 4) suppositories with  euphylline  (Euphyllinum, i n) 0,2 in number 10; 5) tablets of furazolidone (Furazolidonum, i n) 0,1 in number 20.