IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation. Software Engineering Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society

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Фрагмент текста работы

Management of V&V activity monitors and evaluates all V&V outputs. Through the use of V&V metrics and other qualitative and quantitative measures, this V&V activity develops program trend data and possible risk issues that are provided to the developer and acquirer to effect timely notification and resolution. At key program milestones (e.g., requirements review, design review, test readiness), the Management of V&V consolidates the V&V results to establish supporting evidence whether to proceed to the next set of software development activities. Whenever necessary, the Management of V&V determines whether a V&V task needs to be re-performed as a result of developer changes in the software program.

The V&V effort shall perform, as appropriate for the selected software integrity level, the minimum V&V tasks for Management of V&V from the following list:

1)  Task: Software Verification and Validation Plan (SVVP) Generation

2)  Task: Baseline Change Assessment

3)  Task: Management Review of V&V

4)  Task: Management and Technical Review Support

5)  Task: Interface With Organizational and Supporting Processes

5.2 Process: Acquisition

The acquisition process begins with the definition of the need (e.g., statement of need) to acquire a system, software product, or software service. The process continues with the preparation and issuance of a request for proposal (e.g., bid request, tender), selection of a supplier, and management of the acquisition process through to the acceptance of the system, software product, or software service. The V&V effort uses the acquisition process to scope the V&V effort, plan interfaces with the supplier and acquirer, and review the draft systems requirements contained in the request for proposal.

5.2.1 Activity: Acquisition Support V&V

The Acquisition Support V&V activity addresses project initiation, request for proposal, contract preparation, supplier monitoring, and acceptance and completion.

The V&V effort shall perform, as appropriate for the selected software integrity level, the minimum V&V tasks for Acquisition Support V&V from the following list:

1)  Task: Scoping the V&V Effort

2)  Task: Planning the Interface Between the V&V Effort and Supplier

3)  Task: System Requirements Review

5.3 Process: Supply

The supply process is initiated by either a decision to prepare a proposal to answer an acquirer’s request for proposal or by signing and entering into a contract with the acquirer to provide the system, software product, or software service. The process continues with the determination of procedures and resources needed to manage the project, including development of project plans and execution of the plans through delivery of the system, software product, or software service to the acquirer. The V&V effort uses the supply process products to verify that the request for proposal requirements and contract requirements are consistent and satisfy user needs. The V&V planning activity uses the contract requirements including program schedules to revise and update the interface planning between the supplier and acquirer.

5.3.1 Activity: Planning V&V

The Planning V&V activity addresses the initiation, preparation of response, contract, planning, execution and control, review and evaluation, and delivery and completion activities.

The V&V effort shall perform, as appropriate for the selected software integrity level, the minimum V&V tasks for Planning V&V from the following list:

1)  Task: Planning the Interface Between the V&V Effort and Supplier

2)  Task: Contract Verification

5.4 Process: Development

The development process contains the activities and tasks of the developer. The process contains the activities for requirements analysis, design, coding, integration, testing, and installation and acceptance related to software products. The V&V activities verify and validate these software products. The V&V activities are organized into Concept V&V, Requirements V&V, Design V&V, Implementation V&V, Test V&V, and Installation and Checkout V&V.

5.4.1 Activity: Concept V&V

The Concept V&V activity represents the delineation of a specific implementation solution to solve the user’s problem. During the Concept V&V activity, the system architecture is selected, and system requirements are allocated to hardware, software, and user interface components. The Concept V&V activity addresses system architectural design and system requirements analysis. The objectives of V&V are to verify the allocation of system

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Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.

Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.

Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.

Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.

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