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Medium Power Surface Mount Products
DUAL TMOS MOSFET MiniMOS™ devices are an advanced series of power MOSFETs 3.6 AMPERES which utilize Motorola’s TMOS process. These miniature surface
25 VOLTS mount MOSFETs feature ultra low RDS(on) and true logic level RDS(on) = 0.1 OHM performance. They are capable of withstanding high energy in the avalanche and commutation modes and the drain–to–source diode
has a low reverse recovery time. MiniMOS devices are designed for use in low voltage, high speed switching applications where D
efficiency is important. Typical applications are dc–dc converters, and power
management in portable and battery powered products such as computers,
printers, cellular and cordless phones. They can also be used for low voltage
motor G controls in mass
storage products such as disk drives and tape CASE 751–05, Style 11
drives. The avalanche energy is specified to eliminate the SO–8
S guesswork in designs where inductive loads are switched and offer additional safety margin against unexpected voltage transients.
• Ultra Low RDS(on) Provides Higher Efficiency and Extends Battery Life
• Logic Level Gate Drive — Can Be Driven by Logic ICs Source–1 1 8 Drain–1
• Miniature SO–8 Surface Mount Package — Saves Board Space
• Diode Is Characterized for Use In Bridge Circuits Gate–
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