Модель элемента К155ЛЕ1
--- File: K155Le1.vhd
-- created by Design Wizard: 05/13/02 20:43:31
-library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity K155Le1 is
port (
d1: inout STD_LOGIC;
d2: inout STD_LOGIC;
q2: out STD_LOGIC
end K155Le1;
architecture K155Le1 of K155Le1 is
-- <<enter your statements here>>
Process (d1,d2)
q2<=not (d1 or d2)after 15 ns;
End process;
end K155Le1;
Модель элемента К155РУ2
--- File: K155--2.vhd
-- created by Design Wizard: 05/14/02 10:26:47
-library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity K155RU2 is
port (
aa1: in STD_LOGIC;
aa2: in STD_LOGIC;
aa3: in STD_LOGIC;
aa4: in STD_LOGIC;
cs: in STD_LOGIC;
w: in STD_LOGIC;
dd1: in STD_LOGIC;
dd2: in STD_LOGIC;
dd3: in STD_LOGIC;
dd4: in STD_LOGIC;
qq1: out STD_LOGIC;
qq2: out STD_LOGIC;
qq3: out STD_LOGIC;
qq4: out STD_LOGIC
end K155RU2;
architecture K155RU2 of K155RU2 is
-- <<enter your statements here>>
Process (aa1,aa2,aa3,aa4,cs,w,dd1,dd2,dd3,dd4) type tab is array (0 to 15, 1 to 4) of std_logic; variable chislo : integer;
variable mas : tab;
variable aaa1,aaa2,aaa3,aaa4 : Integer;
aaa1:=0; aaa2:=0; aaa3:=0; aaa4:=0;
if aa1='1' then aaa1:=1; End if;
if aa2='1' then aaa2:=1; End if;
if aa3='1' then aaa3:=1; End if;
if aa4='1' then aaa4:=1; End if; chislo:=1*aaa1+2*aaa2+4*aaa3+8*aaa4; if cs='0' and w='0' Then
end if;
If w='1' and cs='0' Then
qq1<= not mas(chislo,1)after 50 ns;
qq2<= not mas(chislo,2)after 50 ns;
qq3<= not mas(chislo,3) after 50 ns;
qq4<= not mas(chislo,4) after 50 ns; end if;
end process;
end K155RU2;
Модель элемента К155ТМ8
--- File: K155TM8.vhd
-- created by Design Wizard: 03/19/02 23:19:58
-library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity K155TM8 is
port (
D5_0: in STD_LOGIC;
D5_1: in STD_LOGIC;
D5_2: in STD_LOGIC;
D5_3: in STD_LOGIC;
Q5_N0: out STD_LOGIC;
Q5_0: out STD_LOGIC;
Q5_N1: out STD_LOGIC;
Q5_1: out STD_LOGIC;
Q5_N2: out STD_LOGIC;
Q5_2: out STD_LOGIC;
Q5_N3: out STD_LOGIC;
Q5_3: out STD_LOGIC
end K155TM8;
architecture K155TM8 of K155TM8 is
process (CLK,RESET,D5_0,D5_1,D5_2,D5_3) variable q51,q50,q52,q53:std_logic;
if RESET='0' then
q50 := '0';
q51 := '0';
q52 := '0';
q53 := '0';
if CLK' event and CLK='1' then
q50 := D5_0;
q51 := D5_1;
q52 := D5_2;
q53 := D5_3;
end if;
end if;
Q5_0 <= q50 after 35 ns;
Q5_1 <= q51 after 35 ns;
Q5_2 <= q52 after 35 ns;
Q5_3 <= q53 after 35 ns;
Q5_N0 <=not q50 after 35 ns;
Q5_N1 <=not q51 after 35 ns;
Q5_N2 <=not q52 after 35 ns;
Q5_N3 <=not q53 after 35 ns;
end process;
end K155TM8;
Модель элемента К155ТМ2
--- File: K155TM2.vhd
-- created by Design Wizard: 05/15/02 10:52:21
-library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity K155TM2 is
port (
R_1: in STD_LOGIC;
C_1: in STD_LOGIC;
D_1: in STD_LOGIC;
S_1: in STD_LOGIC;
Q_1: out STD_LOGIC;
Q_N_1: out STD_LOGIC
end K155TM2;
architecture K155TM2 of K155TM2 is
If S_1='0' and R_1='1' Then
Q_1 <='1' after 35 ns;
Q_N_1 <='0' after 35 ns; End if;
If s_1='1' and R_1='0' Then Q_1 <='0' after 35 ns; Q_N_1 <='1' after 35 ns;
End if;
If s_1='0' and R_1='0' Then Q_1 <='1' after 35 ns; Q_N_1 <='1' after 35 ns;
End if;
If c_1' event and c_1='1' and s_1='1' and R_1='1' Then Q_1 <=D_1 after 35 ns;
Q_N_1 <=not D_1 after 35 ns;
End if;
End process; еnd K155TM2;
Модель элемента К559ИП2
--- File: K559ip2.vhd
-- created by Design Wizard: 05/16/02 17:52:22
-library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity K559ip2 is
port (
k1: in STD_LOGIC;
k2: in STD_LOGIC;
end K559ip2;
architecture K559ip2 of K559ip2 is
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