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Вопрос 2. Просмотрововое чтение оригинального текста по специальности аспиранта (соискателя) и передача его содержимого на английском языке (1200-1500 печ. знаков).
Шифр: 05.16.04.
Blast furnace.
In the past twenty years the hot metal production has been concentrated on large, more efficient units. Worldwide 84 blast furnaces with hearth diameters of over 11 m are currently m operation. The daily output of these furnaces ranges between 5000 and 12000 t hot metal. The average output is about 7000 t/d. Approximately 40% of the total hot metal production can be accounted for by these furnaces.
Along with the larger blast furnaces, new high-capacity plants for ore pretreatment and coke production were built. This enabled energy savings and an improvement in hot metal quality.
In high capacity blast furnaces burden of optimal chemical composition and excellent mechanical and thermal properties have to be used in order to achieve low fuel consumption. Sinter and pellets are best suitable here. Basic additives have a favourable effect on reducibility, and softening and melting properties. The mostly acid gangue of ferrous feedstocks could be reduced in the pellets through higher enrichment of the concentrates and in the sinter by using Wine ores with higher iron contents. A typical example of these ores are the Carajas ores from Northern Brazil. I
Over the last ten years, the slag rate in German blast furnaces could be reduced from 350 to approximately 260 kg/t hot metal. This development has not yet reached its end. Already today, m the blast furnace of Luleа, Sweden, no more than about 150 kg slag arise from the production of 1 t hot metal. This can be achieved only by a low alkali content in the coke ash. With Ruhr coal alone such low alkali contents cannot be reached.
In order to be able to use finely grained ferrous feed in a more flexible way, recently the largest sinter plant at the Fukuyama works of Nippon K.okan, Japan, was so modified that more cost-effective pelletfeed can be processed. The new preparation of sinterfeed is to increase the specific capacity and to improve the sinter quality.
Ст. преподаватель___________________________Л.А.Хилькевич
Одобрено на заседании
кафедры 15.05.98
протокол №10
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