In couple of months on light their first-born Brooklyn has appeared. Though the kid also was born in family of two celebrities, lack of attention it{he} did not test never. Victoria with pleasure drove it{him} on matches of the MU where it{he} could observe of father's game, and Девид, in turn, there were with the son practically at all concerts Vicks. In two years at them one more son whom have named directly Shakespearian name - Ромео was born.
Some time back family Bekhemov was simply broken off between England and America (Victoria there worked). But more recently Девиду have proposed, which it{he} could not refuse. To it{him} have suggested to play for the Spanish club " Real Madrid ". Девид it is immensly happy, as considers huge good luck to play to one command{team} with Зиданом, Раулем, Рональдо and other stars. Is not present, actually, at this star English couple not all develops so safely. Journalists who very much do not like Девид and Victoria, constantly think out ridiculous gossips about their family, hinting on their advertising marriage{spoilage}. And once the football player in general has turned from the favourite of the country to enemy N1 of Britain. And there was it so: the combined team of England after removal{distance} Девида (for not so fair game), has sufferred insulting defeat. You imagine, in shops then even began to sell a target for a darts with image Девида. Oh, also it is not sweet him{it} then was. But, despite of all this, Девид and Victoria admit, that are immensly happy, in fact at them two remarkable kiddies and favourite work.
Бекхемы one of the richest and well-known families of Britain, they earn not only a trade, but also advertising and sale of own production.
It{He} is those this Englishman. He{it} has all and it{he} is practically ideal, and if supposes oversights, to it{him} quickly them forgive, in fact it{he} - Девид Бекхем.
The interesting facts from life Девида.
On football boots Девида names of his{its} sons are embroidered: on right - Brooklyn, and on left - Ромео.
Wax copy Девида is practically in all museums (that for the sportsman atypically). And, the interesting fact, that in one of museums at wax Девида a scar above an eye.
At family Bekhemov more than 20 automobiles.
It is known, that Девид the great dandy. His{its} favourite marks of clothes - Adidas and Gucci.
The sportsman has let out{has released} the cartridge about itself loved{liked;favourite} with the plain name " Present Девид Бекхем " and the autobiographical book.
Девид adores to give Victoria's gifts: on wedding it{he} has presented it{her} a ring for 80000 $, and then a diamond crown for 100 thousand pounds.
The best critic Bekhem counts itself and the father.
Favourite season - summer.
Favourite dish - meat with a potato and a string bean.
The biggest weakness - change of image, and it is especial hairdresses.
The best friend - Harry Nevil (the partner on the MU)
Bad habit - to suck round fingers after meal.
Likes to tell and listen to jokes about itself.
Adores to be removed for magazines and for advertising.
At Девида 3 tattooes: on копчике - a name Brooklyn, on a back - распятая the Girl, on the right hand - a name Victoria on - арабски.
It appears, the wife and the trainer of the football player dislike each other.
Growth Девида 180 see, and weight of 74 kg.
Three words with which it{he} would characterize itself(himself): sports, fashionable, the best.
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