God let all the nations go their own way in the past, but now He calls on all people everywhere to repent and to be saved

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Зиннуров Руслан

Работа № 4 по курсу «Английский язык»

Lesson № 18

(P. 443-447)

I. Text

to insist [ɪn'sɪst] on smth. – настаивать на чём-л.

to incline [ɪn'klaɪn] – склоняться, склонять; to be inclined – быть склонным

out-and-out – полный, совершенный

auxiliary [ɔːg'zɪlɪ(ə)rɪ] – вспомогательный

a flock [flɔk] – стадо

to scatter ['skætə] – рассеиваться, разбегаться, разбредаться

a hillside ['hɪlsaɪd] – склон горы, холма

to lean [liːn] – прислоняться, опираться

to wipe [waɪp] – вытирать, протирать, утирать

a forehead ['fɔːhed] – лоб

II. Ex. 1

2. Throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, Satan is constantly characterized as the principal enemy of God, a rebel against all that He maintains.

3. The Muslims insist on the alteration of the Bible throughout the ages.

4. God let all the nations go their own way in the past, but now He calls on all people everywhere to repent and to be saved.

10. Such contradictory evidences as we have, are doubtful in any case, and should not be used in court.

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