Proceeding from the model received by imitation of a similar situation in ANSYS 6.0 software, the application of the MSS having only the main magnetic system is unreasonable in case of deposition of covering on the inner side of the cylinder.
This case is showed on the figure 2.3. which was obtained using the ANSYS 6.0 software.
Figure 2.3. Distribution
of magnetic field in case of presence of magnetically soft material near the
main magnetic system.
While drawing the covering on the surface of the magnetically soft material, arises the necessity of "pushing out" of magnetic lines from the mass of the magnetically soft material that is possible by saturation of this material with an external magnetic field. Saturation can be made by means of auxiliary system which uses electromagnets on a direct current.
For the given technological installation, for elimination of "retraction" of magnetic lines it is used 8 coils with 900 turns on each. The current passing through one turn is 1 A.
This case is showed on the figure 2.4. which was obtained using the ANSYS 6.0 software.
Figure 2.3. Distribution of
magnetic field in case of presence of magnetically soft material. The
compensating magnetic system in “ON” mode.
3. Design of the main and auxiliary magnetic systems.
On the basis of the calculations carried out using the ANSYS 6.0 software, the magnetic system should consist of two subsystems - the main and auxiliary.
The main magnetic system is formed by permanent magnets and magnetic conducters. The auxilliary magnetic system consists of inductance coils and magnetic conducters.
Fig.3.1 A design of magnetic system of technological installation.
1 - permanent magnets made of ЮНД-4 alloy,
2 - main magnetic system magntic conducters made of 79НМ alloy,
3 - compensatory magnetic system magntic conducters made of 79НМ alloy,
4 - magnetic coils
5 - cores of electromagnets
All elements of the main magnetic system of the MSS are mounted on the MSS fixing pipe.
Elements of compensatory magnetic system are mounted around the outer side of the cylinder and consists of eight coils (4), fixed from above and from below on magnetic conducters - from above and from below (3)
The analysis of the magnetic field distribution in the area of the deposition stays one of the main aspects which should be taken into account while designing the magnetron sputtering system. The usage of ANSYS 6.0 software allows determining the configuration of the magnetic field in the ionization area of the magnetron sputtering system. On the basis of the calculations made in ANSYS 6.0 software the auxiliary magnetic system was designed. The auxiliary magnetic system allows distributing of magnetic lines formed by permanent magnets almost parallel to the cathode-target surface. Such distribution serves to increase the rate of collisions of the plasma generator gas atoms with electrons.
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