Referee statement for a short term visit tenable overseas
Personal data - in confidence
Notes for referees
If the applicant is not a Fellow of the Society, he/she should arrange for this section to be completed by a Fellow. Should this present serious difficulties, this section should be completed by another leading independent authority well acquainted with the applicant and his/her work (but not the overseas host or head of applicant’s home department).
The applicant should have enclosed with this sheet the other papers constituting the application:
· Parts I, II and III of the form
· Letter(s) of invitation from each of the proposed host institutions
You are asked to complete the reverse of this sheet. All opinions expressed are treated with complete confidentiality.
Please note that if you are currently serving as a member of the Royal Society Council or of the particular Panel which considers these awards, you should advise the UK host to seek an alternative referee.
The completed Referee Statement together with the other application papers referred to above, should not be returned to the UK host or the visitor but should be forwarded direct to:
The Royal Society
International Exchanges Section ref:
6 Carlton House Terrace
Your help in providing this reference is much appreciated. No written acknowledgement of receipt of references is usually made, but if confirmation is required please telephone the Society quoting the reference above, the country and the name of the visiting scientist.
Personal data on this form will be held and processed on the Society’s computer. A summary of the Society’s data protection, including the rights of subjects on which data are held, is obtainable from the Society ref: DPSA/JHS.
Referees currently based at the applicant's home institution or ex-supervisors/mentors will not be considered as appropriate independent referees.
In confidence
Referee Statement for (please print name of applicant)
1 Please give your opinion on the following, ticking as appropriate:
(a) Is the collaborative research of low moderate high outstanding merit?
(b) Will the applicant derivelittle moderate significant major benefit from the host institution(s) visited?
(c) Will the host institution(s) derive little moderate significant major benefit from the visit?
(d) Will the home institution derive little moderate significant major benefit from the visit?
2 Which of the following best describes the applicant? (tick as appropriate)
A leading international authority in his/her field
A researcher who has made moderate significant outstanding contributions
A young researcher of moderate high exceptional ability and promise
3 Please provide any additional comments here
4 Please provide your assessment of the application (tick the appropriate box on the following scale)
Key: 1 = below standard sought , 2 to 3 = weak in one or more respects, 4 to 5 = very good, 6 to 7
= excellent
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Signature Date
Name in block capitals
It is helpful if you can indicate if you are a Fellow of the Royal Society Yes No
Position Please complete if you are
not a member of the Royal
Failure to return the completed form by the closing date may result in an application being rejected
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