Тип |
1 |
Код |
1 |
Контрольная сумма |
2 |
Идентификатор |
2 |
Номер последовательности |
2 |
Пример ICMP-Запроса:
Оригинальный вид:
0x0000 00 03 47 E9 84 D1 00 0C-76 F3 49 C1 08 00 45 00 ..Gй„С..vуIБ..E.
0x0010 00 3C 3B 55 00 00 20 01-DE 16 C0 A8 00 04 C0 A8 .<;U.. .Ю.АЁ..АЁ
0x0020 00 01 08 00 3F 5E 02 00-0E 00 41 42 43 44 45 46 ....?^....ABCDEF
0x0030 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E-4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV
0x0040 57 41 42 43 44 45 46 47-48 49 WABCDEFGHI
Декодированный вид
Ethernet II
Destination MAC: 00:03:47:E9:84:D1
Source MAC: 00:0C:76:F3:49:C1
Ethertype: 0x0800 (2048) - IP
IP version: 0x04 (4)
Header length: 0x05 (5) - 20 bytes
Type of service: 0x00 (0)
Precedence: 000 - Routine
Delay: 0 - Normal delay
Throughput: 0 - Normal throughput
Reliability: 0 - Normal reliability
Total length: 0x003C (60)
ID: 0x3B55 (15189)
Don't fragment bit: 0 - May fragment
More fragments bit: 0 - Last fragment
Fragment offset: 0x0000 (0)
Time to live: 0x20 (32)
Protocol: 0x01 (1) - ICMP
Checksum: 0xDE16 (56854) - correct
Source IP:
Destination IP:
IP Options: None
Type: 0x08 (8) - Echo
Code: 0x00 (0)
Checksum: 0x3F5E (16222) - correct
Identifier: 0x0200 (512)
Sequence Number: 0x0E00 (3584)
Пример ICMP-Ответа:
Оригинальный вид:
0x0000 00 0C 76 F3 49 C1 00 03-47 E9 84 D1 08 00 45 00 ..vуIБ..Gй„С..E.
0x0010 00 3C 49 B0 00 00 80 01-6F BB C0 A8 00 01 C0 A8 .<I°..Ђ.o»АЁ..АЁ
0x0020 00 04 00 00 47 5E 02 00-0E 00 41 42 43 44 45 46 ....G^....ABCDEF
0x0030 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E-4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV
0x0040 57 41 42 43 44 45 46 47-48 49 WABCDEFGHI
Декодированный вид
Ethernet II
Destination MAC: 00:0C:76:F3:49:C1
Source MAC: 00:03:47:E9:84:D1
Ethertype: 0x0800 (2048) - IP
IP version: 0x04 (4)
Header length: 0x05 (5) - 20 bytes
Type of service: 0x00 (0)
Precedence: 000 - Routine
Delay: 0 - Normal delay
Throughput: 0 - Normal throughput
Reliability: 0 - Normal reliability
Total length: 0x003C (60)
ID: 0x49B0 (18864)
Don't fragment bit: 0 - May fragment
More fragments bit: 0 - Last fragment
Fragment offset: 0x0000 (0)
Time to live: 0x80 (128)
Protocol: 0x01 (1) - ICMP
Checksum: 0x6FBB (28603) - correct
Source IP:
Destination IP:
IP Options: None
Type: 0x00 (0) - Echo reply
Code: 0x00 (0)
Checksum: 0x475E (18270) - correct
Identifier: 0x0200 (512)
Sequence Number: 0x0E00 (3584)
Протокол SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Оригинальный вид:
0x0000 00 03 47 E9 84 D1 00 0C-76 F3 49 C1 08 00 45 00 ..Gй„С..vуIБ..E.
0x0010 00 29 3D ED 40 00 80 06-A0 32 C0 A8 00 04 5A 00 .)=н@.Ђ. 2АЁ..Z.
0x0020 02 03 04 71 00 19 68 1B-11 53 00 2C 90 AA 50 18 ...q..h..S.,ђЄP.
0x0030 FD F0 14 5C 00 00 72 эр.\..r
Декодированный вид (вместе с заголовками протоколов более низкого уровня):
Ethernet II
Destination MAC: 00:03:47:E9:84:D1
Source MAC: 00:0C:76:F3:49:C1
Ethertype: 0x0800 (2048) - IP
IP version: 0x04 (4)
Header length: 0x05 (5) - 20 bytes
Type of service: 0x00 (0)
Precedence: 000 - Routine
Delay: 0 - Normal delay
Throughput: 0 - Normal throughput
Reliability: 0 - Normal reliability
Total length: 0x0029 (41)
ID: 0x3DED (15853)
Don't fragment bit: 1 - Don't fragment
More fragments bit: 0 - Last fragment
Fragment offset: 0x0000 (0)
Time to live: 0x80 (128)
Protocol: 0x06 (6) - TCP
Checksum: 0xA032 (41010) - correct
Source IP:
Destination IP:
IP Options: None
Source port: 1137
Destination port: 25
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