fread (&p_object->polygon[i].c, sizeof (unsigned short), 1, l_file);
printf("Polygon point c: %d\n",p_object->polygon[i].c);
fread (&l_face_flags, sizeof (unsigned short), 1, l_file);
printf("Face flags: %x\n",l_face_flags);
//------------- TRI_MAPPINGCOORS ------------
// Description: Vertices list
// Chunk ID: 4140 (hex)
// Chunk Lenght: 1 x unsigned short (number of mapping points)
// + 2 x float (mapping coordinates) x (number of mapping points)
// + sub chunks
case 0x4140:
fread (&l_qty, sizeof (unsigned short), 1, l_file);
for (i=0; i<l_qty; i++)
fread (&p_object->mapcoord[i].u, sizeof (float), 1, l_file);
printf("Mapping list u: %f\n",p_object->mapcoord[i].u);
fread (&p_object->mapcoord[i].v, sizeof (float), 1, l_file);
printf("Mapping list v: %f\n",p_object->mapcoord[i].v);
//----------- Skip unknow chunks ------------
//We need to skip all the chunks that currently we don't use
//We use the chunk lenght information to set the file pointer
//to the same level next chunk
fseek(l_file, l_chunk_lenght-6, SEEK_CUR);
fclose (l_file); // Closes the file stream
return (1); // Returns ok
Приложение 2 (Загрузка файла текстуры)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include "texture.h"
int num_texture=-1; //Counter to keep track of the last loaded texture
* FUNCTION LoadBitmap(char *)
* This function loads a bitmap file and return the OpenGL reference ID to use that texture
int LoadBitmap(char *filename)
int i, j=0; //Index variables
FILE *l_file; //File pointer
unsigned char *l_texture; //The pointer to the memory zone in which we will load the texture
// windows.h gives us these types to work with the Bitmap files
num_texture++; // The counter of the current texture is increased
if( (l_file = fopen(filename, "rb"))==NULL) return (-1); // Open the file for reading
fread(&fileheader, sizeof(fileheader), 1, l_file); // Read the fileheader
fseek(l_file, sizeof(fileheader), SEEK_SET); // Jump the fileheader
fread(&infoheader, sizeof(infoheader), 1, l_file); // and read the infoheader
// Now we need to allocate the memory for our image (width * height * color deep)
l_texture = (byte *) malloc(infoheader.biWidth * infoheader.biHeight * 4);
// And fill it with zeros
memset(l_texture, 0, infoheader.biWidth * infoheader.biHeight * 4);
// At this point we can read every pixel of the image
for (i=0; i < infoheader.biWidth*infoheader.biHeight; i++)
// We load an RGB value from the file
fread(&rgb, sizeof(rgb), 1, l_file);
// And store it
l_texture[j+0] = rgb.rgbtRed; // Red component
l_texture[j+1] = rgb.rgbtGreen; // Green component
l_texture[j+2] = rgb.rgbtBlue; // Blue component
l_texture[j+3] = 255; // Alpha value
j += 4; // Go to the next position
fclose(l_file); // Closes the file stream
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, num_texture); // Bind the ID texture specified by the 2nd parameter
// The next commands sets the texture parameters
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