Crewes Seismic I/O Library File Index. Function Documentation. Functions to access seimic header definitions, страница 15

Converts ASCII-coded text to EBCDIC-coded text.

·  void seisioUtl_ebcdic_ascii (const char *input, char *output, int n)

Convert EBCDIC-coded text to ASCII-coded text.

Detailed Description

seisio Utilities - don't operate on any seisio objects.

Function Documentation

void seisioUtl_ascii_ebcdic (const char * input, char * output, int n)

Converts ASCII-coded text to EBCDIC-coded text.


input   Array (of length n) of ASCII characters.

output   Array (at least of length n) to hold EBCDIC characters.

n   Number of characters to convert.

void seisioUtl_ebcdic_ascii (const char * input, char * output, int n)

Convert EBCDIC-coded text to ASCII-coded text.


input   Array (of length n) of EBCDIC characters.

output   Array (at least of length n) to hold ASCII characters.

n   Number of characters to convert.

void seisioUtl_gain32_flt32 (int32 * i, float * o, int n)

Converts 32 bit gain/value number to 32 bit floating-point number.


i   Input array - must contain at least n elements

o   Output array - must have sufficient space to hold n elements

n   Number of elements (not bytes) in input array.

int seisioUtl_getEndian (void)

Gets the processor's native byte ordering (endian-ness).



void seisioUtl_ibmflt32_ieeeflt32 (float * in, float * out, int n)

Converts a 32 bit IBM floating point number to 32 bit IEEE floating point format.


in   Array of IBM-representation floating point numbers

out   Array to be filled with translated floating point number in IEEE format. @n Count of numbers in in array.

int32 seisioUtl_reverseBytes_int32 (int32 arg)

Reverses the four bytes in a 32 bit integer.

An integer like this 0x11223344 becomes 0x44332211.

CREWES Seismic I/O Library Page Documentation

Todo List

member ::seisio_getDataFmt(int id)

Use heuristics to make better guesses.

member ::seisio_getTrcLength(int id, int trcNum)

Handle invalid values for trcNum.

member ::seisio_getTrcPos(int id, int trcNum)

Handle >2.4 GB files.

member ::seisio_readTrcF4(int id, const int trcNum, char* trcHdr, float *trcData)

Handle outrageous values of trcNum. Allow for truncated trace-length reads so we can guess at numSmp and not scan the whole file.

member ::seisio_readTrcI2(int id, const int trcNum, char* trcHdr, int16 *trcData)

Handle outrageous values of trcNum. Allow for truncated trace-length reads so we can guess at numSmp and not scan the whole file.

member ::seisio_readTrcI4(int id, const int trcNum, char* trcHdr, int32 *trcData)

Handle outrageous values of trcNum. Allow for truncated trace-length reads so we can guess at numSmp and not scan the whole file.

member ::seisio_setTrcLengthFmt(int id, int fmt)

Handle the case when setTrcLengthFmt is called after we start writing to a file.

member ::seisio_writeFileDataHdr(int id, char *fileDataHdr)

Handle outrageous values of trcNum. Allow for truncated trace-length reads so we can guess at numSmp and not scan the whole file.

member ::seisio_writeTrcF4IBM(int id, const int trcNum, const int nSamp, char *trcHdr, float *trcData)

Handle outrageous values of nSamp and trcNum. Better (more descriptive) error handling.

member ::seisio_writeTrcF4IEEE(int id, const int trcNum, const int nSamp, char *trcHdr, float *trcData)

Handle outrageous values of nSamp and trcNum. Better (more descriptive) error handling

member ::seisio_writeTrcI2(int id, const int trcNum, const int nSamp, char *trcHdr, int16 *trcData)

Handle outrageous values of nSamp and trcNum. Better (more descriptive) error handling

member ::seisio_writeTrcI4(int id, const int trcNum, const int nSamp, char *trcHdr, int32 *trcData)

Handle outrageous values of nSamp and trcNum. Better (more descriptive) error handling

member ::seisioHdrDefn_readFromFile(int id, char *filename)

Load description from file
