Classes and Objects. Review. Debugging Notes. Today’s Topics. Defining classes. Class - overview

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Lecture 4

Classes and Objects


Solutions 1

public static int getMinIndex(int[] values) {

int minValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int minIndex = -1;

for(int i=0; i<values.length; i++) if (values[i] < minValue) { minValue = values[i]; minIndex = i;


return minIndex;


Solutions 2

public static int getSecondMinIndex(int[] values) { int secondIdx = -1; int minIdx= getMinIndex(values);

for(int i=0; i<values.length; i++) { if (i == minIdx) continue;

if (secondIdx == -1 || values[i] < values[secondIdx]) secondIdx = i;

} return secondIdx;


•  What happens if values = {0}?  values = {0, 0}?  values = {0,1}?

•  Array Index vs Array Value

int[] values = {99, 100, 101};

System.out.println(values[0] ); // 99


Indexes       0        1                         2

•  Curly braces { … } after if/else, for/while

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

System.out.println(“Hi”); System.out.println(“Bye”);

•  What does this print?

•  Variable initialization

int getMinValue(int[] vals) { int min = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {

if (vals[i] < min) { min = vals[i]




•  What if vals = {1,2,3}?  Problem?

•  Set min = Integer.MAX_VALUE or vals[0]

•  Variable Initialization – secondMinIndex

int minIdx = getMin(vals) int secondIdx = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { if (i == minIdx) continue; if (vals[i] < vals[secondIdx]) secondIdx = i;


•  What if vals = {0, 1, 2}?

•  See solutions

Defining a method inside a method

public static void main(String[] arguments) { public static void foobar () {

Debugging Notes 1

•  Use System.out.println throughout your code to see what it’s doing

for ( int i=0; i< vals.length; i++) {

if ( vals[i] < minVal) {

System.out.println(“cur min: ” + minVal); System.out.println(“new min: ” + vals[i]); minVal = vals[i];



Debugging Notes 2

•  Formatting

•  Ctrl-shift-f is your friend

for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { if (vals[i] < vals[minIdx]) {

minIdx=i;}  return minIdx;}

•  Is there a bug?  Who knows!  Hard to read

Today’s Topics

Object oriented programming

Defining Classes

Using Classes

References vs Values

Static types and methods

Today’s Topics

Object oriented programming

Defining Classes

Using Classes

References vs Values

Static types and methods

Object orien ed pr

• Represent the real world


Object orien ed pr

• Represent the real world






# poops so far

Object Orien ed Pr

• Objects group together

–  Primitives (int, double, char, etc..)

–  Objects (String, etc…)


String name boolean isMale double weight

double decibels int numPoops

•  Why not just primitives?

// little baby alex String nameAlex; double weightAlex;

// little baby david String nameDavid; double weightDavid;

•  Why not just primitives?

// little baby alex String nameAlex; double weightAlex;

// little baby david String nameDavid; double weightDavid;

// little baby david


String nameDavid2;

double weightDavid2;           Terrible

•  Why not just primitives?

// little baby alex String nameAlex; double weightAlex;

// little baby david String nameDavid; double weightDavid;

// little baby david


String nameDavid2;

double weightDavid2;           Terrible

500 Babies?  That Sucks!


496 more


Baby1              Baby2              Baby3                          Baby4                  …

Defining classes

Class - overview

public class Baby { String name; boolean isMale; double weight; double decibels;

int numPoops = 0;



void poop() {

numPoops += 1;

System.out.println(“Dear mother, ”+

“I have pooped. Ready the diaper.”); }


Class - overview


Baby myBaby = new Baby();


Let’s declare a baby!

public class Baby {


Let’s declare a baby!

public class Baby {





•  Class names are Capitalized

•  1 Class = 1 file

•  Having a main method means the class can be run

Baby fields

public class Baby {

TYPE var_name;

TYPE var_name = some_value;

Baby fields

public class Baby { String name; double weight = 5.0; boolean isMale; int numPoops = 0;

Baby Siblings?

public class Baby { String name; double weight = 5.0; boolean isMale; int numPoops = 0; XXXXX YYYYY;

Baby Siblings?

public class Baby { String name; double weight = 5.0; boolean isMale; int numPoops = 0; Baby[] siblings;

Ok, let’s make this baby!

Baby ourBaby = new Baby();

But what about it’s name? it’s sex?


public class CLASSNAME{









•  Constructor name == the class name

•  No return type – never returns anything • Usually initialize fields

•  All classes need at least one constructor

– If you don’t write one, defaults to



Baby constructor

public class Baby { String name; boolean isMale;

Baby(String myname, boolean maleBaby){ name = myname; isMale = maleBaby;



Baby methods

public class Baby {

String name = “Slim Shady”; ...

void sayHi() {


“Hi, my name is.. “ + name);



Baby methods

public class Baby { String weight = 5.0;

void eat(double foodWeight) { if (foodWeight >= 0 && foodWeight < weight) {

weight = weight + foodWeight;




Baby class

public class Baby { String name; double weight = 5.0; boolean isMale; int numPoops = 0; Baby[] siblings;

void sayHi() {…} void eat(double foodWeight) {…}


Using classes

Classes and Instances

// class Definition public class Baby {…}

// class Instances

Baby shiloh = new Baby(“Shiloh Jolie-Pitt”, true);

Baby knox = new Baby(“Knox Jolie-Pitt”, true);

Accessing fields


Baby shiloh = new Baby(“Shiloh Jolie-Pitt”, true)



Calling Methods


Baby shiloh = new Baby(“Shiloh Jolie-Pitt”, true)

shiloh.sayHi();   // “Hi, my name is ...”;

References vs Values

Primitives vs References

•  Primitive types are basic java types

–  int, long, double, boolean, char, short, byte, float

–  The actual values are stored in the variable

•  Reference types are arrays and objects

–  String, int[], Baby, …

How java stores primitives

•  Variables are like fixed size cups

•  Primitives are small enough that they just fit into the cup

int              double     char            boolean

How java stores objects

• Objects are too big to fit in a variable

–  Stored somewhere else

–  Variable stores a number that locates the object

How java stores objects

•  Objects are too big to fit in a variable

–  Stored somewhere else

–  Variable stores a number that locates the object

•  The object’s location is called a reference • == compares the references

Baby shiloh1 = new Baby(“shiloh”);

Baby shiloh2 = new Baby(“shiloh”); Does shiloh1 == shiloh2?

•  The object’s location is called a reference • == compares the references

Baby shiloh1 = new Baby(“shiloh”);

Baby shiloh2 = new Baby(“shiloh”); Does shiloh1 == shiloh2?


Baby shiloh1 = new Baby(“shiloh”);

Baby shiloh2 = new Baby(“shiloh”);

shiloh1                            shiloh2

Baby mybaby = new Baby(“davy”, true) = “david”

Baby mybaby = new Baby(‘davy’, true) = ‘david’

•  Using = updates the reference.

baby1 = baby2

baby1                             baby2

•  Using = updates the reference.

baby1 = baby2

•  using [ ] or

–  Follows the reference to the object

–  May modify the object, but never the reference

•  Imagine

–  Following directions to a house

–  Moving the furniture around

•  Analogous to

–  Following the reference to an object

–  Changing fields in the object

Methods and references

void doSomething(int x, int[] ys, Baby b) { x = 99; ys[0] = 99; = “99”;



int i = 0; int[] j = {0};

Baby k = new Baby(“50”, true); doSomething(i, j, k);

i=? j=? k=?

static types and methods


• Applies to fields and methods • Means the field/method

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