Laboratory in Software Engineering Eclipse Reference for 6.170. Setting up CVS in Your Environment. Checkout the Problem Set from CVS

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6.170 Laboratory in Software Engineering Eclipse Reference for 6.170


•  CVS in Eclipse  o     Setting up CVS in Your Environment  o            Checkout the Problem Set from CVS  o           How Do I Add a File to CVS?  o           Committing Changes to CVS  o           Setting up CVS in Your Environment 

o    Updating Your Local Copy of the CVS Repository 

•  Compiling Code and Running Programs  o Compiling Code  o           Using Ant in Eclipse  o           Running your program in Eclipse  o      Running Unit Tests 

•  Working on Java in Eclipse  o           Editing Code in Eclipse  o           Creating a New File 

ƒ  Creating a New Java File 

ƒ  Creating a New Non-Java File 

•  Known Eclipse Bugs 


CVS in Eclipse

Setting up CVS in Your Environment

Setting up CVS in Eclipse: These instructions describe how to setup CVS on Athena

ONLY. If you are working from home, take a look at the Working At Home document. 

1.  Launch Eclipse using eclipse if you are on Athena. 

2.  Select Window >> Open Perspective >> Other... >> CVS Repository Exploring 

3.  Right-click in the "CVS Repositories" window, and select New >> Repository Location... 

4.  Fill in the fields as follows, and as shown below: 


Repository path: /mit/<your username>/6.170/cvsroot/

User: your username

Password: leave this field blank if you are on Athena.

Connection type: ext if you are on Athena. 

5.  Click Finish 

Checkout the Problem Set from CVS

These instructions describe how to checkout the problem sets on Athena ONLY. If you are working from home, take a look at the Working At Home document.

How to Checkout in Eclipse

1.  Launch Eclipse using eclipse if you are on Athena. If you are working on another platform, then launch the Eclipse executable that you downloaded. 

2.  Select Window >> Open Perspective >> Other... >> CVS Repository Exploring 

3.  Expand the CVS Repository directory structure, in the CVS Repositories Perspective Window. Expand HEAD, so that "psN" is visible. 

4.  Right-click "psN," and select Check Out As 

psN is the name of the module that you are checking out from CVS. Checking out will create the directory ~/6.170/psN/ which will have the contents of your problem set. 

How Do I Add a File to CVS?

How to Add a File to the Repository in Eclipse 

1.  Open the Java Perspective by selecting Window >> Open Perspective >> Java

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