Комплексная система безопасности Всероссийского детского центра «Океан». Цифровая система телевизионного наблюдения, страница 2

Система охраны периметра обеспечивает:

− возможность раннего обнаружения нарушителя;

− точное следование контурам периметра, отсутствие "мертвых зон"; скрытая установка датчиков системы;

− независимые параметры системы от сезонных и погодных условий;

− невосприимчивость к внешним факторам "нетревожного" характера (индустриальные помехи, шум проходящего транспорта, мелкие животные и птицы);

− устойчивость к электромагнитным помехам (грозовые разряды, источники мощных электромагнитных излучений).

Система передачи данных обеспечивает:

− соединение в единую систему всех узлов, систем, компонентов исполнительных, контролирующих и оконечных устройств комплексной системы безопасности.

С помощью многофункциональной платформы "Интеллект" интегрирована работа всех составляющих частей системы безопасности - система телевизионного наблюдения, системы контроля и управления доступом,  система охраны периметра.

The abstract

In the given design work questions of the organization and construction of complex system of safety « the All-Russia children's center "Ocean" are considered.

« The All-Russia children's center "Ocean" represents a complex of premises, constructions and площадок groups of residing, a feed, cultural-mass, improving, administrative, technical, economic purpose, consumer services.

The complex system of safety consists of systems of data transmission, digital system of television supervision, the monitoring system and management of access and system of protection of perimeter.

The digital system of television supervision provides:

−The round-the-clock visual control of territory of object, a check point, perimeter and water area, internal supervision of inputs in premises and the control over conditions inside of premises;

−Constant automatic videorecording on the digital videoregistrar of the events occuring in sight of videocameras, and also an opportunity of viewing of videorecordings and their carry on other carriers for архивирования and long-term storage;

−Recognition of persons of visitors and comparison with persons from a database;

−Recognition of state registration numbers of motor transport passing on territory.

The monitoring system of access provides:

−The miss on object of the personnel and visitors on plastic cards in an automatic or manual mode;

−The miss on object of motor transport with recognition of state numbers and their registration in a database with the instruction of time of travel.

The system of television supervision and control system and the control of access over check items allows to supervise in more details process of pass of visitors, workers and motor transport on territory. 

The system of protection of perimeter provides:

− An opportunity of early detection of the infringer;

− Exact following to contours of perimeter, absence of " dead zones "; the latent installation of gauges of system;

− Independent parameters of system from seasonal and weather conditions;

− Immunity to external factors of "not disturbing" character (industrial radio noises, noise of passing transport, fine animals and birds);

−  Stability to electromagnetic handicapes (lightning discharges, sources of powerful electromagnetic radiations).

The system of data transmission provides:

Connection in uniform system of all units, systems, components executive, supervising and terminals of complex system of safety.

By means of a multipurpose platform "Intelligence" work of all making parts of system of safety - system of television supervision, the monitoring system and management of access, system of protection of perimeter is integrated.