Ask students to read the article on the following page and answer the following questions

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Suggesting Investing

Warm up:

Ask students to read the article on the following page and answer the following questions:

·  When you see the word investing, what other words come to your mind?

·  Why is it said that investing is a mystery to most youngsters?

·  Considering that there are so many financial advisers paid to know about investing, to what extent should you know something about investing?

·  What question does this discussion raise for us to consider? (“How important is it that we know about investing?”)

Objective objectives:

Start introducing objectives of the class to the students and ask them to prolong the list.

After completing this activity you will be able to:

·  Discuss the importance of setting personal financial goals before investing

·  Explain the role of risk tolerance in the investing process

·  Compare and contrast the basic features of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and cash-equivalent investments

·  Demonstrate an understanding of asset allocation?

Ask students which of the objectives interests them most and if you had an expert in class, what questions would they ask about investing

Project work:

Explain that in this activity students will be required to complete a project about the topics referred to in the objectives.

Based on what students learn about investing from information bank andafterfulfilling the necessary tutorials, they will have the choice of completing one of the three types of projects below.

1.  giving an oral presentation with Power Point slides;

2.  writing a magazine article;

3.  creating a video

Before getting down to project work ask students to answer the following questions:

·  What do you know about the components of an effective presentation?

·  What do you know about the qualities of a good magazine article?

·  What do you know about the features of a high quality video presentation?

Discuss with the class your specifications and expectations for the projects, including deadlines; criteria for grading their presentations, magazine articles, and videos; and format.

Explain to students that most of the information for their projects should come from reading the bank of information and fulfilling tutorials Divide the class into three groups. Assign each group a different one of the following abstracts and related websites to read:

Setting goals Setting and Achieving Financial Goals.pdf/Bank of information folder;

Tolerance for Risk default.asp./ Bank of information folder;

Assets and their allocation Asset Classes; Stable Value Investments; Bonds; Stocks; Historical Perfomance; Create; Risk Tolerance; Investment Time Horizon; Allocate; Short Term Time Horizon; Intermediate Term Time Horizon; Long Term Time Horizon; Diversification; Market Timing/Art of Asset Allocation/ Bank of Information folder;

After their review, have the students explain their answers to the following questions:

·  What information did you find on the pages you read?

·  What did you learn from the material you were assigned to review?

·  What other questions do you have about completing your project?


Ask students to explain their answers to the following question:

What do you hope to learn by completing this project?

Warm up:

Think about something you might want to do in the future that costs a lot of money, like buying a car, purchasing a house, or maybe starting your own business. How will you be able to afford it? Some people believe that successful investing is the answer.

How much do you know about investing? To most youngsters, investing is a mystery. Very few schools teach about it. Most teens don’t talk to each other about it. Many parents shrug their shoulders when asked about it. More than a few people believe that investing is just another form of gambling. How knowledgeable are you about investing?

Project 1 Give a Power Point Presentation

Give a ten-minute presentation using PowerPoint slides, titled “What You Should Know about Investing.” Among the topics you should address are: 1) setting goals; 2) tolerance for risk; 3) asset classes: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and cash; 4) asset allocation.

To prepare for your project, you’ll need to access the three tutorials and “Follow the directions that come with the tutorials. After completing this preparation, you’ll be ready to put together your presentation.

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