Investing in Life Insurance. Before watching the video look through the following words and expressions

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Investing in Life Insurance

v Before watching the video look through the following words and expressions:

Volatility, liquidity, utilization, money market fund, certificate of deposit.

Consult the dictionary if you don’t know the meaning of some words.

v After that, continue the story with the sentences containing the given words. The beginning of the story is:

Security market today is absolutely unpredictable.

v Watch the video and answer the following questions:

·  Which new asset class has become popular with investors recently?

·  What are the main reasons for putting life insurance contract in your investment portfolio?

·  What are the advantages of life insurance contracts in comparison with money market funds and certificates of deposit?

·  When and how does an investor get a return on life insurance?

·  Won’t current situation on the market undermine the safety of life insurance contracts? Prove your answer with arguments.

v As a follow-up: Does this programme sound convincing to you. Would you like to invest your money into life insurance? Provide 5 sound arguments that will persuade your friend to invest his/her money into life insurance.

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