Banking sector and economy. Basic macroeconomic by indicators, which aspired to control government, страница 6

* Decrease of a role of the factor of the advanced network in accordance with mass introduction of modern telecommunication systems;

*Disintegration of lower of base establishments with allocation of the specialised frames on the basic directions of activity;

* Concentration of branches Saving bank at   consulting work with especially rich clientele from among the natural persons;

* Of allocation of a circle of new services, which can become know-how, guarantors of preservation of a leading role of establishments Saving bank Russian Federation in competition;

* Creation of financial and industrial groups , uniting specific clientele of bank, providing priority development of a social infrastructure;

* Expediency of inclusion in structure financial and industrial groups of the strong potential competitors from among organisations making the software, issuing plastic cards etc.;

* Transformation of savings banks into bank establishments with high-grade frame not only liabilities, but also assets considering direct crediting and the target forms of investment as a ultimate goal - the most effective forms, objectively stimulating formation of the savings on a long-term basis;

* Active penetration into local social and economic frames, creation of frugal system financial -credit  of an infrastructure, high mobility spillover of the capital in the regional and local projects, providing participation of means of the population in social arrangement of life;

* Aspirations to play a leading role in the markets of standard services (settlement systems, сashpoints etc.), intensive intensifying of instruments of a choice of directions of investment, specialisation on it of functional sectioning, expansion of practice of a conclusion of capital-intensive services on an independent balance;

* Use in interests of increase of competitiveness practically of various forms of association (alliances, holdings etc.) with branches of other banks on places having, as against establishments Saving bank , experience of active operations - crediting and investment. The frank orientation Saving bank on financial result of activity - incomes and profit - was the simplified circuit of market orientation. It - normal orientation to new opportunities, and main - on the rigid laws of competition. However with the course of time, in accordance with strengthening bank as element of common market system, in its strategy on the foreground not the profit, and more substantial, status movement to variety of parameters of      system forming base of development of bank more and more should be put forward.

Saving bank it is necessary to become one of few "whales" of a national banking system, with which should be considered parliament, Government, Central bank and international banking systems.

In a basis of these attitudes the comprehension and realisation of opportunities Saving bank , as systems should lay:

* All-Russian;

* With the most frugal network of primary parts;

* Dealing primary and simultaneously with the final creditor of the state - population, natural persons.


1.Demichev A. “ Bank sector and economy”

2.Krolivetcky C. Banking business”

3.Zchukov E. “Banks and banks’ operations”