Past Perfect Passive. Present Perfect Passive. Present Continuous Passive, страница 3

1. Were this article on radio-electronics we should read it without dictionary. Была бы эта статья по радиоэлектронике, мы прочитали бы её без словаря

2. If I had seen you I would have said hello. Я бы поздоровался, если бы увидел тебя

IV. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык 1-6-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1-6-й абзацы.

Пояснения к тексту

diet - what we eat

issue - an important question or topic

cash - money

famine - a food crisis in which people die of hunger

short-term - for a short time

feeding centres - places where famine victims can get food aid

long-term - for a long time

irrigate - (verb) to water

crucial - very important

actually - as matter of fact

stores - keeps


In poor countries it's a question of life and death. In rich countries it's a question of health and diet.

1. Millions die of hunger in the Third World every year. Millions more become ill because they don't have enough to eat. This is one of the modern world's most serious problems. The question is... why does it happen?

2. Crops. There are two kinds of farmer in the Third World. One kind grows 'cash crops' (for example, coffee or tobacco) to sell abroad. This is necessary because Third World countries need foreign money to survive. But cash crops don't feed local people. It's the other kind of farmer who grows food for his own family and village. Farmers in this second group are usually poor. So is their land.

3. Land. Climate. Very often the soil on their farms is thin, weak and erodes easily. That's why, if there isn't enough rain one year, poor people always suffer first. They simply can't grow enough to feed themselves. When this happens a famine begins.

In the last ten years there have been serious famines in both Ethiopia and Sudan.

4. Aid. How do the rich countries of the world help in crises like this? Well - in two ways. First, they send food, money, blankets and medicine. This kind of short-term aid is very important. It saves thousands of lives. But it's not the complete answer to Third World famine. That's because it doesn't help people to help themselves. Instead it makes them leave home and travel to towns and feeding centres. The question isn't just "How can we stop this famine?" It's also "How can we stop the next one?" And that's where the second kind of aid comes in. Long-term aid projects help Third World countries all the time - not just during a crisis. They make it easier for farmers to...

- stop erosion

- irrigate their land

- grow more food.

5. The future. And all those things are crucial for the future. Why? Because by 2010 there will be 9 billion people on Earth. That's 50% more than today's world population. And most of them will live in the Third World.

6. Junk food and health food. 30% of Americans and 25% of Europeans are fat. Many of them are teenagers. In fact there are even 'fat farms' for young people in the States. These are special camps where it's against the rules to eat chocolate hamburgers popcorn pizza, and other junk food. Instead there's a diet of fruit, vegetables, brown bread, fish and other 'health' foods. But why is junk food bad for us? The answer is simple. It contains a lot of sugar and fat. We need both of these things, but junk food simply gives us too much of them.