The action of optical frequency range radiation on biological objects

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Содержание работы

The action of optical frequency range radiation on biological objects

Set 1

1.  Name the limits (in nm) of optical frequency range radiation.

2.  Why UV of C-region is most dangerous for living organism?

3.  Name the medical aims for using the high-pressure mercury lamp.

4.  Name the limits of infrared radiation in medicine. Name three IR regions.

5.  What is fluorescence?

6.  Describe the nature of phosphorescence with using schematic diagram of electronic energy levels.

7.  Write the formula of quantum yield.

8.  What do we name luminescence analysis?

9.  What is bioluminescence?

The action of optical frequency range radiation on biological objects

Set 2

1.  What is ultraviolet radiation?

2.  What are the UV radiation recourses in medicine?

3.  Draw the scheme of the low-pressure mercury lamp.

4.  What is luminescence?

5.  Describe the nature of fluorescence with using schematic diagram of electronic energy levels.

6.  Write the Stokes Shift r

7.  ule.

8.  Write the formula of energy yield.

9.  Give an example of the use of luminescence in medicine.

The action of optical frequency range radiation on biological objects

Set 3

1.  Draw the scheme of the high-pressure mercury lamp.

2.  Name the limits of ultraviolet radiation in medicine. Name three UV regions.

3.  Name the medical aims for using the low-pressure mercury lamp.

4.  Name the types of luminescence according to the method of excitation.

5.  What is phosphorescence?

6.   What are triplets and singlets?

7.  What substances are activators of luminescence?

8.  What is chemiluminescence?

10.  Give an example of the use of luminescence in medicine.

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