Of physical culture in Moscow. The Lesgafst institute of physical culture

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State Central Institute of Physical Culture in Moscow is one of the largest specialized higher educational establishments of its kind in Russia. It was founded in 1920 and since that time it has been playing the leading role in the development of sports and physical culture in Russia.

2. The organisation of studies and day-to-day running of the institute in the hands of a Rector with Heads of faculties (coaching, education and correspondence). In addition there is the country's Higher Coaching School (in order to provide republican end club team with highly qualified coaches). It accepts only coaches and former athletes who have a higher education, and extensive experience either as coaches or as athletes in national and republican teams and who have demonstrated teaching skills. The course of study lasts two years. There are also a post-graduate department, School of Higher Sportsmanship, Problem Laboratory, Publishing Section, sports club and a good library with more than 380,000 volumes of books. About 5000 students study at all departments of the institute. The full-time teaching staff numbers over 400. It includes more than 20 Doctors аnd over Candidates of Sciences. There are more than 30 chairs at the institute.

3. The students of the institute have at their disposal all the necessary facilities. In 1970 the institute moved to a new complex in Sirenevy Avenu which houses two college buildings, 20-storey hostel, a canteen, sports palace Izmailovo and a stadium. There are 16 gymnasia ( or sports halls), 4 shooting halls, and indoor athletic arena, an assembly hall plus various lecture rooms and office accomodation. There are special areas designed for sports: that is halls for tennis, fencing, basketball, volley-ball, boxing, wrestling, weight-lifting, handball. Some gymnasia are multipurpose particularly the larger ones for games.

4. The indoor athletic arena is 88x44 m and has a tartan track with 2 lanes of 200-m length with 60-m straights. Jumping and throwing areas are also provided. The arena seats 1,200 spectators for competitive meetings.

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1.  When was Moscow Central Institute of Physical Culture founded?

2.  How many students study at the Institute?

3.  What specialists does it train?

4.  How large is the staff of this Institute?

5.  Which are the necessary facilities of the Institute?

Вариант 2

I. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в каждом из них видо-временную форму и залог сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.  Some of the students will go to the Good Will Games.

2.  Many people of our city took part in the first Omsk cycling гасe.

3.  We are the students of the Omsk State Institute of Physical Culture.

4.  Last year he was a world record holder.

II. Перепишите предложения и переведите их:

1.  We did not know whose skates they were.

2.  This method of training is more effective as that one.

3.  The students of our institute have set many new records this year.

4.  Teachers test students’ knowledge by different tests.

III. Переведите предложения. Напишите эти предложения в вопросительной форме:

1.  These students should train three times a week.

2.  He can skate rather well.

3.  He is allowed to participate in the competition.

IV. Выпишите сказуемое каждого предложения. Определите время и залог глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения:

1.  The match was won by our football team.

2.  We study many theoretical and practical subjects.

3.  The work is being done now.

4.  I have been preparing for this tournament for a year.

V. Прочтите и устно переведите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, 3, 4 абзацы текста:


1. Coaches and teachers of physical education are trained at physical institutes and physical education departments of pedagogical institutes. Besides professional coaches there are also many amateur coaches. As a rule they are active or former athletes. They work in their free time.

2. The Lesgaft  Institute of Physical Culture in Leningrad is one of the oldest in Russia and Europe. It was founded in 1919 by P.F.Lesgaft, a prominent teacher and anatomist, who created the theory of physical education.

The aims of this institute were and are to create a scientific basis for physical education, to devise pedagogical methods and to train teaching staff.

3. The Lesgaft Institute of Physical Culture caters for about 5,OOO students. The staff of this institute is more than 300 lecturers, 50 per cent of whom have higher degrees.

4. There are three main faculties:

1) Sport Faculty which trains coaches in separate sports which cover

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