Miner's dream of home and family unites mother and son

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SaAaHHe I.   Upon/name   tneKcm, ombicKueaH e mm. omeemu «a noc-mae/ieHHbte eonpocu.


(after P. Tempest)

Where did the Povarovs write their letters to?

1.  This is a fantastic,,true story of how a mother found her son who was lost without trace during the war.

The Povarovs, a miner's family did everything they could to find their son, who was deported to Germany by the fascists on September 12, 1942.

"The fascists sent him away together with many other local boys. We saw him for the last time when they were all being driven to the rail­way station," said the mother, Yelena Povarova.

"After the war we wrote numerous letters to the Red Cross and to other Soviet search organizations and always got the same answer 'Lost without trace'," she added.

What two things were discovered?

2.  One night a Hungarian miner, Sandor Molnar, had a dream in which he saw the village where he was born — a white Ukrainian cot­tage. In the morning he also remembered that he had lived somewhere near Lugansk, that his mother was called Dunya and that his own name was Alexander.

Molnar had come to Hungary from Germany. He had been in a camp together with other children where the nazis had done everything pos­sible to make all the children forget their country, language and who they were. He didn't know where he first came from or who he was.

Molnar wrote a letter about his dream to a Hungarian magazine. Piroska Crimes, a journalist, played an important role in Molnar's life. So did Dr. Stolar, a Hungarian neuropathologist, who grew interest­ed in Molnar and put him under hypnosis to help him remember his past. Two things were discovered — the name of a mine, the "Lenin pit" and the name of a village — "Olkhovska".

What was Molnar's real name?

3. In April the Soviet Sunday newspaper Nedelya printed an ar­ticle about the search headed "Sandor Looks for His Native Village! Lugansk People, Help Him!"

In July other details were given to readers, who now had a map of the village as Molnar remembered it. The local militia joined in the search and all the local newspapers reprinted the Nedelya articles.

Thousands of people were interviewed and documents were studied in archives before the right family was found.

It was discovered that Molnar's real name was not Alexander but Vladimir and his mother's name not "Dunya" but Yelena.

Molnar came to the Soviet Union together with his Hungarian wife and was united with his family.

What did Molnar say in Russian?

4. His sister Taissiya recognized him without difficulty. When his mother saw the birthmark on his chest and the deep scar on his forehead caused by a fall in his childhood she knew it was her Volodya.

"Volodya, my dear boy!" she cried. "I'm happy to be back home again," Molnar said slowly in Russian to his new friends, the local miners. "I spent my childhood here and I love my country which I haven't forgotten all these years, and which the fascists wanted to take away from me."

The Soviet newspaper Nedelya points out that the Molnar story shows what results can be achieved if different organizations and indi­viduals join in the search of people lost in the war years.

"Let each one of us do all he can. It's the duty of every man and woman to make people happy."

6.  After the war the Povarovs did everything they could to find their son.

7.  Molnar said that he was happy to be back home.

8.  Molnar had been in a fascist camp.

9.  It was discovered that Molnar's real name was Vladimir.

1. 2. 3.

trace. 4. 5.


II. npoHtnume meKcm ewp pas; pacnojiowume dannbie nuotce e moM nopxdKe, e KOKOM OHU cjiedyiom e meKcme. A Hungarian miner had a dream ...

Molnar wrote a letter about his dream to a Hungarian magazine. The Povarovs got the answer that their boy had been lost without

Molnar came to his native town with his wife.

The newspaper Nedelya printed an article about Molnar's dream.

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