Как работать с виртуальной машиной BI (на английском языке)

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Содержание работы

How to work with BI virtual machine

Useful tips

1. Launching the VM (virtual machine)

Navigate to c:\VM\BI  and run BI.vmc.  NOTE: only few programs should be run on the host machine for VM takes a lot of RAM for successful operation

2. VM user credentials



3. Hot keys during your work

Right ALT + DEL -  shows up login screen for VM 

Right ALT             - eases up mouse pointer being caught up by the VM environment

Right ALT + ENTER - toggles fullscreen mode for guest operating system

4. Where are my work files ?

There are 2 ways to secure your work: always sit on the same desk #,  copy your directories (from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects) to a flash card (using drag&drop)

NOTE: You can easily copy your Lab script files inside the VM and use full-screen virtual machines as a whole without switching all the time back and forth.

5. Turning off the VM

Choose start -> shut down then type in something in the comment field and press OK. For the next session your files will reside on this desk inside the VM

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