Тексты "Letter of Intent" для перевода на русский язык, страница 2


Упражнение 1. Сделайте синтаксический разбор каждого предложения текста: определите, простое это предложение или сложное. Определите тип придаточных предложений. В каждом предложении найдите подлежащее и сказуемое, скажите, каким грамматическим временем, залогом, наклонением выражено сказуемое, найдите в предложениях инфинитив и определите его синтаксическую роль.

2.Лексико-грамматический комментарий

2.1. from the technical point of view – с технической точки зрения

2.2. right now – прямо сейчас

2.3. to be of opinion – придерживаться мнения, полагать

2.4. Score twice before you cut once – семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь

2.5. in this instance – в этом случае

2.6. to hold a consultation – совещаться, консультировать

2.7. If you never heard of «ingosstrakh», don’t worry, nor have many westerners – Усли вы никогда не слышали об «ингосстрахе», не огорчайтесь, многие люди на Западе так же ничего об этом не слышали. ( un. 14:2.22)

Союз nor употребляется для выражения отрицания в последующих отрицательных выражениях, если в первом содержится not, never или no.

Упражнение 2. продолжайте предложения, употребляя so am/are/is/was/were/wile/have/has/do/does или nor am/are/is /have/has/do/does

Образец: He is clever, and so is his sister. You does don’t seem to be well nor am I.

1. “I haven’t paid …I”.2. “I love this music”-“..I”. 3.”I have looked through this newspaper”-“…she”.4.I don’t like her, and … my friends. 5. The food was bad, and…the drinks. 6. Ann won’t be there, and…her mother. 7. Pete looks ill, and … you. 8. I wasn’t cold, and ... they. 9. She looks tennis, and ... we. 10. I haven’t got any money, and ... you. 11. I feel really tired, and … she.12. We won’t be in London next week, and … they. 13.He lives in a small town, and .. we. 14. They don’t play the piano, and … I”.

2.8. to put that right – чтобы прояснить это

2.9. It’s a deal! – по рукам!

Letter of Inent

The Russian and the British participants in the negotiating are at the headquarters of the “Parma Controls Services” company. Mr. Popov, the Head of Overseas Sales Division of this company presides.

Mr. Popov:

Well, gentlemen, it looks as if our talks are coming to an end. It seems to me that we`ve already discussed all the questions of interest for  both of our companies. Do you agree with that , Mr. Lewis?

Mr. Lewis:

Yes, I do. And if I understand you correctly, your suggestion is to move on summing up the results of our work by preparing and signing a legally valid document.

Mr. Popov:

You are quite correct. And generally speaking, there are two ways for us to do it properly from the technical point of view, as you know. The first is to make out a full-sized contract right now and the other one is to sign a letter of intent as an interim step paving the way to the contact in the nearest future. Honestly, I am in favor of a letter of intent. And what about you, gentlemen?

Mr. Lewis:

That’s just the way how we see the situation too. I’m of opinion that a letter of intent format may enable us of making some preliminary and at the same time absolutely essential trials prior to a full-sized contractual cooperation. In addition, a latter of intent will actually make it possible for us to weigh all pros and cons of the contract. To my mind we have to act as it is recommended by the well-known saying: ”Score twice before you cut once”.

Mr. Popov:

I’m pleased that you share the opinion of my colleagues and me. I think we’ve both got a good idea of each other’s capabilities and experience. Nevertheless it’s no good to rush into signing a contract right away. And in this instance I’d like to back up Mr. Lewis by referring to another well-known English saying:  “Only fools rush in to where angels fear to tread.” So the next step for us, as I see it, is to start working initially on the basis of a letter of intent, to see how things go. That’s why we’ve prepared a draft of such king of document. Would you mind looking through it? (He hands over the copies of the draft document to Mr. Lewis and Mr. Crow, who set to reading it).