Притяжательный падеж существительного. Личные местоимения в объектном падеже после глагола to be. Настоящее продолженное время (The Present Continuous Tense), страница 6

I’ll be quiet after I know that everything is all right with you.

If that is really necessary, you’ll have a new computer.

Упражнение 15. Ответьте на вопросы. Обратите внимание на придаточные времени и условия.

1. Can you use your computer if you need some information? 2. What must you do when you have a temperature? 3. Will you call in the doctor, if you don’t feel better tomorrow? 4. How do you feel when you catch cold? 5. Can you sleep when you have a headache? 6. Will you come to see us when you get well?

2. Лексико-грамматический комментарий

2.1.  При ответе на телефонный звонок сначала называется фамилия абонента, затем следует приветствие (hello), которое употребляется по отношению к близкому, хорошо знакомому человеку. В этом случае употребляется также hi [hai]. При обращении же к мало знакомым, старшим по возрасту или положению людям уместно более вежливое приветствие How do you do?

Вообще не стандартным приветствием является “How areyou?” Стандартный ответ на него: “I’m (quite) well. Thank you”

При прощании говорят Good-bye или (менее официально) Bye или Bye-bye.

В современном языке обычно употребляется: “Have a good day!”

2.2. The day before yesterday.позавчера.

2.3. I have some hot tea. – Я пью горячий чай.

Глагол have часто употребляется в значении «пить», «есть».

2.4. Выражение I come to see you или I come and see you, обозначает «повидаться», «навестить», «прийти к кому-нибудь в гости».


Mother’s call

Dora: Lewis.Hello.

Mother: Hello, Dora, its me.

Dora: Oh, hi, mum, glad to hear you. How are you?

Mother: Not quite well but I think nothing serious. I have a running nose, a bad cough and a sore throat.

Dora: What is the temperature?

Mother: Normal but I also have a headache and can’t sleep. I guess I cought cold the day before yesterday, when I went shopping. Suddenly it rained. It was raining from 10 till 11, and I hadn’t an umbrella with me. My shoes were also not the proper ones.

Dora: Why didn’t you come back?

Mother: I was just rather far away from the house.

Dora: I’m so sorry to hear it. Did you consult your doctor?

Mother: No, I use my usual treatment: I stay in bed, I have some hot tea with honey and take some medicine. I hope, I’ll feel better soon.

Dora: Let’s hope for the best. But if you don’t feel better tomorrow, call in the doctor, please.

Mother: Sure. I’d like to know something about you. Are the children all right? How is Harry getting on?

Dora: The children are all right. Harry’s business isn’t going well at the moment you know but there is a Russian company they may be his partners, and so he is going to improve his business.

Mother: What? Isn’t it risky enough? He must be very careful. Russian are so incomprehensible.

Dora: Don’t bother, my dear, he knows what he does. You shouldn’t talk too much now, it’s better, you are quiet.

Mother: I’ll be quiet after I know that everything is all right with you.

Dora: It is so. I’ll call you up tomorrow morning. Or shall I come?

Mother: Oh, no, thank you. I’ll get well soon and come and see you myself.

Dora: That is the best.

Mother: Give my regards to Harry and the children. Bye, my dear.

Dora: Bye, Mum. I love you.


Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы и представьте затем диалог в форме рассказа, используя ваши ответы.

1.  Who is calling ?

2.  Is Dora’s mother quite well?

3.  How does she feel?

4.  Does  she have a temperature?

5.  When did she catch cold? Why?

6.  Did she consult her doctor?

7.  What is her usual treatment?

8.  What would she like to know ?

9.  Is she glad to know that Harry is going to have a Russian partner?

10.  What does she think of Russian partners?

11.  Does she think she will get well soon? What will she do after that?

12.What will she do after that?

13.Does she give her regards to Harry and the children?

Упражнение 2. Воспроизведите диалог близко к тексту в паре с другим студентом.

Упражнение 3. Взяв за основу диалог и дополнительные слова, расскажите, как вы ведете себя, когда у вас простуда или другое недомогание.

Упражнение 4. Поговорите обо всем этом с вашим собеседником.

Упражнение 5. Расскажите от чего вы можете заболеть.