Английский язык: Методические указания и задания к контрольным работам для студентов специальности «Эксплуатация электрооборудования и автоматики судов»

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guide said that the tourists (to see) a lot of places of interest during their stay in Leningrad. He explained that all the excursions (to be arranged) already. The tourists (to have an opportunity) to visit the best museums and theatres. She added they (to be going) to see some places in Leningrad countryside.

5. Задайте специальные вопросы.

Образец: ─ I have read an interesting article (what).

                ─ What have you read?

1.  My friend has visited a picture gallery lately (what).

2.  My father has been to Japan 8 times (how many times).

3.  Jack has arrived in Russia (who).

4.  They have been to London port (where).

5.  I have found Peter`s dog (whose).

6.  Mary has just watched a detective on TV (who).

6. Откройте скобки, употребив инфинитив или Participle I.

1. We noticed my father`s tanker (enter) the port and I heard my mother (say), "Here they are at last". While we watched the father`s ship (moor) many people passed by and I heard some of them (speak) foreign languages. I had never heard any natives (speak) English before  and was very sorry that my English was not good enough to speak to foreigners. It made me (spend) more time on English later on.

7. Прочтите и устно переведите с 1 по 6 абзацы. Письменно переведите и перепишите абзацы 3, 4, 5.


            Great Britain is one of the most developed European countries.

            The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and it consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

            Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen is the head of state but her powers are limited by Parliament.

            The country is situated on the British Isles which include two large islands and some five thousands small islands.

            Being an island Great Britain had to develop its fleet as a major means of transportation and communication with the rest of the world, British seafarers made a lot of geographical discoveries and contributed much to the development of shipping as such.

            Today Great Britain is one of the great maritime nations of the world.

8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и суммируйте ответы:

1.  Where is the United Kingdom situated?

2.  How many islands do the British Isles include?

3.  What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?

4.  What seas and oceans is Great Britain washed by?

5.  Is Great Britain a highly developed country?

6.  Why can we call Great Britain a great maritime country?

Контрольная работа №3

     Данная контрольная составлена на основании методической разработки по английскому языку для электромехаников Тарасовой Т. И., Лебедь М. Л.

Для ее выполнения студенту необходимо знать:

1)  причастие I и II;

2)  страдательный залог;

3)  придаточные предложения времени и условия;

4)  инфинитивный оборот.

Требования к зачету за 3 курс

1)  Чтение и перевод пройденный текстов;

2)  Знать прилагаемый лексический минимум;

3)  Краткий пересказ текстов;

4)  Самостоятельно изучить перечисленные ниже тексты и выполнить упражнения устно:

-     D. C. Generators

-     The Elementary Generator

-     Elementary Generator Operation

-     The Commutator

-     D. C. Generator Construction and Operation.

Лексический минимум

Voltage                                    напряжение

Amount                                   количество

Loop                                        виток, контур, петля

Sliding contact                         скользящий контакт

Pole piece                                 полюс магнита

Connect                                   соединять

Armature                                  якорь

Slip ring                                   контактное кольцо

Load resistor                             сопротивление нагрузки

Connect in series                      соединять последовательно    

Commutator                             коммутатор

Alternating                               переменный, колеблющийся

Switch                                      переключать

Output                                     мощность (отдаваемая)

Coil                                          катушка          

Insulate                                                изолировать

Shaft                                        вал

Brush                                       щетка

Short-circuit                             закорачивать

Reversing switch                      реверсивный переключатель

A.  C. – alternating current       переменный ток          

D. C. – direct current                постоянный ток

Field coil                                  катушка возбуждения

Cause                                       заставлять

Consequently                           следовательно

Assemble                                  монтировать

End housing                             подшипниковый щит

Bolt                                          скреплять болтами

Insert                                       вставлять

Field pole                                 полюс с катушкой возбуждения

Brush assembly                        щеточное устройство

Field winding                           катушка возбуждения 

Shunt winding                          щитовая (параллельная) обмотка

Shaft                                        вал

Core                                         сердечник

Slot                                          прорезать пазы

End bearing                              концевой подшипник

Eddy currents                           вихревые потоки


1. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык 1 абзац. Перепишите и и письменно переведите 2, 3 абзацы.


1. An elementary generator consists of a loop of wire so placed that it can be rotated in a uniform magnetic field to cause an induced current in the loop. Sliding contacts are used to connect the loop to an external  circuit in order to use the induced e. m. f.

2. The pole pieces are the north and south poles of the magnet which supplies the magnetic field. The loop wire which rotates through the field is called "armature". The ends of the armature loop are connected to rings called "slip rings" which rotate with the armature.

3. As the sides of the loop cut through the magnetic field, an e. m. f.. is induced in them which causes a current to flow through the loop, clip rings, brushes, centre-zero ammeter and load resistor – all connected is series. The magnitude of the induced e. m. f. generated in the loop, and therefore of the current that flows, depends on the position of the loop in relation to the magnetic field.


2. Письменно переведите слова и словосочетания.

Consist  of;  uniform  magnetic  field;  circuit;  e. m. f.;  slip   rings;  load  resistor;  in  relation;  armature;  centre-zero-ammeter;  to  cause; to connect in series.

3. Заполните пропуски, выбрав нужное слово.

1.  …   connect   the   loop   to  an  external  circuit  (slip  rings,   sliding contacts).

2.  The magnitude of the induces e. m. f. depends on … (the position of the loop in relation to the magnetic field, uniform magnetic field).

3.  The ends of the armature loop are connected to rings called … (slip rings, sliding contacts).

4. Определите функцию Причастия II в предложении 1) определение; 2) составная часть сказуемого в пассивной форме. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык.

Образец: 1. Sliding contacts used to … - 1

                2. Sliding contacts are used … - 2

                3. Power supplied by … - 1

                4. Power is supplied by … - 2

1.  Rotating electrical machines called "generators" supply large amounts of power.

2.  The loop of wire which rotates through the field is called "armature".

3.  Sliding contacts connect the loop to an external circuit in order to use the induced e. m. f.

4.  As the sides of the loop cut through the magnetic field

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