The system of education in Great Britain (exercises)

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Thesystem of education in Great Britain (exercises)

1.  Find equivalents to the following words and phrases in the text.

Обязательное обучение, учащиеся различных уровней способности, бесплатное дошкольное образование, платить за частное обучение, посещать общеобразовательную школу, предлагать пятилетний курс, переход в следующий класс, оставаться на второй год, foundation subjects, pupils’ progress in subjects, written and practical tests, examination certificate in individual subjects, specialized subjects, ambitious students, prepare students for entry to university, college for further education, employment in industry and commerce, other forms of professional training, grant from local authorities, grant which cover all the expenses, be headed by a professor, staff of teachers, important contribution to knowledge.

2.  Fill in the gaps in this life story of a British woman.

At 5, Nally went straight to … school because there were few …  schools for younger children in those days. When she was ready to go to … , she passed … and so got into her local … school. Nowadays children don’t do that exam, because … schools are free and compulsory. Nally was an excellent pupil, she never … a year. She sat for … exams and left school at 16 and didn’t go on to … education, but she works during the day, then goes to evening classes. She would like to take up her education again more seriously, if she could …  a …  or scholarship from …  to .. all the expenses. Her ambition is to go to … to become a doctor. She’ll have to pass … exams to enter … faculty.

3.  Correct the mis-collocations in these sentences.

1.  You can study a lot of different careers at this university.

2.  She’s a professor in a primary school.

3.  Come out. I can’t, I’m studying. Tomorrow I’m passing an examination.

4.  At university we started having French lessons and I fell in love with the language.

GCSEs are the main standard for entrance to University or other forms of professional training.

5.  More ambitious pupils continue their education with very specialized studies in the 5th form of a secondary school.

6.  A comprehensive school offers 4-year course to pupils of all levels of ability.

7.  Schools offer only foundation subjects according to the National Curriculum.

8.  When I studied at the comprehensive school I wasn’t promoted to a higher class because I failed my exams.

9.  Mr. Jonson defended his dissertation and got a Bachelor’s degree, it’s the highest degree.

10.   Jane’s ambition was to become a teacher so she went to College of Advanced Technology.

 4.  How similar is university education in your own country? Answer these questions.

1 Do you need to pass examinations before you can go to university?

2 Do some students get a grant to study at university?

3 Is the tuition free if you go to university?

4 Do most students go to university at the age of 18 or 19?

5 Do more students go to university in your country than in Britain?

6 Do most degree courses last three years?

7 What is your equivalent of the British BA or BSc?

8 Do you have similar postgraduate degrees in your country?

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