Тематический тест "Загрязнение окружающей среды" по дисциплине "Английский язык" (Тест из 31 вопроса с отметками на правильных ответах)

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Содержание работы

V1: Загрязнение окружающей среды

V2: Загрязнение почвы. Вырубка лесов


S: Cочетание звуков, дающее звук [i:]

: need

: spread

: harvest

: confirm


S: … is the wearing away of the earth’s surface by the action of water and wind.

: soil erosion

: deforestation

: desertification

: aridity


S: ### means clearing away the trees from an area.

: deforestation


Q: Правильный порядок слов в предложении

  1. Trees
  2. are
  3. a
  4. vital
  5. part
  6. of
  7. water
  8. cycle


Q: Правильный порядок слов в предложении

  1. The
  2. jungle
  3. is
  4. being
  5. destroyed
  6. and
  7. disappearing
  8. every
  9. year


S: Poison – сказуемое

: You should not poison the rivers as they give us water to drink.

: This poison is very dangerous for plants.

: The salt is a white poison.

: The poison is washed into the rivers from the soil.

V2: Вредное влияние пестицидов. Ведение сельского хозяйства органическими методами


S: Буква r не произносится

: organic

: crop

: vulnerable

: increase


S: ### is a substance for killing harmful insects and other pests.

: pesticide


S: … vegetables are grown without artificial fertilizers.

: organic

: inorganic

: dangerous

: tasteless


S: Intensive farming tend to … the soil of nitrogen.

: deplete

: encourage

: expose

: decrease


S: ### farming rotate cereal crops with leguminous plants.

: traditional


S: … pesticides may cause cancer, miscarriages or even birth defects.

: some

: any

: every

: no


S: Do … pests become resistant to the chemicals?

: any

: no

: every

: some


S: Organic fruit and vegetables … increasingly more popular.

: are becoming

: become

: is becoming

: becomes


S: Chemicals … millions of organisms.

: destroy

: destroys

: is destroying

: are destroying

V1: Загрязнение окружающей среды

V2: Влияние производства энергии на окружающую среду. Альтернативные виды энергии: ядерная энергия и ее отходы


S: Буква t передает звук [ ∫ ]

: pollution

: industrial

: toxic

: waste


S: The largest consumer of fossil fuels is … industry.

: electricity

: technological

: machinery

: recycling


S: … are the sources of energy that are buried under the ground.

: fossil fuels

: nuclear energy

: alternative sources

: energy starvation


S: ### is a device that converts one form of energy to another.

: generator


S: Соответствие

L1: barrage across a river

L2: aerogenerator

L3: Cockerell’s rafts and Salter’s ducks

L4: solar cell

R1: tidal energy

R2: wind power

R3: wave power

R4: solar energy

R5: geothermal energy


S: There are two types of nuclear reaction …

: fission and fusion

: fission and combining

: fusion and combining

: pressuring and combining


S: The energy produced from nuclear reaction is known as ###

: radiation


S: The most common type of nuclear power station today is the pressurized … reactor.

: water

: ground

: wind

: sun


S: We … 25 per cent of the known oil reserves in the world already.

: have used

: used

: were used

: use


S: The pollution problem … over the past few years.

: has been worsening

: has worsening

: is worsening

: worsening


S: Прочтите текст

    New fuel to power the world economy. The energy needs of increasing populations and growing economies can no longer be met by uncertain supplies of oil. Recently the US, Japan, China and the European Union have focused on hydrogen technology as the most likely mainstay of continued economic development. Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, has excellent properties both as an energy carrier. When combined with a fuel cell, hydrogen offers quiet and highly efficient electricity production for both large and small applications. Hydrogen fuel cell technologies are complex, but hydrogen has the potential for replacing essentially all gasoline and eliminating almost all CO2 from vehicular emissions over the next 50 years. Hydrogen should be part of further research into all electrical vehicles, hybrids and synthetic fuels. In Europe fuel cell bus services are planned in some cities. Fuel cell powered aircraft, trains, boats, trucks are in development. Critics argue that hydrogen storage and production are not sufficiently developed for fuel cell vehicles and for these technologies to be economically viable. But the oil price climbs and hydrogen is the most viable replacement. While we spend trillions of dollars on oil, every dollar spent on hydrogen will save us many more when the final rush for oil begins.

Предложение не соответствующее тексту

: The uncertain supplies of hydrogen made us think of oil as an energy carrier.

: Hydrogen technology is the most likely mainstay of continued economic development.

: Hydrogen offers quiet and highly efficient electricity production.

: Hydrogen fuel cell technologies are complex.


S:Прочтите текст

    New fuel to power the world economy. The energy needs of increasing populations and growing economies can no longer be met by uncertain supplies of oil. Recently the US, Japan, China and the European Union have focused on hydrogen technology as the most likely mainstay of continued economic development. Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, has excellent properties both as an energy carrier. When combined with a fuel cell, hydrogen offers quiet and highly efficient electricity production for both large and small applications. Hydrogen fuel cell technologies are complex, but hydrogen has the potential for replacing essentially all gasoline and eliminating almost all CO2 from vehicular emissions over the next 50 years. Hydrogen should be part of further research into all electrical vehicles, hybrids and synthetic fuels. In Europe fuel cell bus services are planned in some cities. Fuel cell powered aircraft, trains, boats, trucks are in development. Critics argue that hydrogen storage and production are not sufficiently developed for fuel cell vehicles and for these technologies to be economically viable. But the oil price climbs and hydrogen is the most viable replacement. While we spend trillions of dollars on oil, every dollar spent on hydrogen will save us many more when the final rush for oil begins.

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