Financial results YUKOS under the standards US GAAP for the third quarter, страница 3

The operational charges in the third quarter of 2002 have made 387 million dollars. USA, that on 11,8 % is higher than a parameter for the appropriate period of 2001. For first nine months of 2002 the operational charges have made 1,037 billion dollars. USA, that on 13,0 % is higher than a parameter for first nine months of 2001. The given increase basically was caused by consolidation of the companies John Brown Hydrocarbons Limited and Davy Process Technology Limited, acquired in October, 2001, consolidation of the other recently acquired companies, and also growth of the operational charges as a result of increase of volumes of production and processing of petroleum.

The transport charges in the third quarter of 2002 have increased by 30,0 % and have made 412 million dollars. USA in comparison with 317 million dollars. USA in the third quarter of 2001. For first nine months of 2002 the charges on transportation have made 1 billion dollars. USA, that on 23,6 % has exceeded a level 809 million dollars. USA for the appropriate period of 2001. The growth of this group of the charges has grown out of increase of volumes of transportation of petroleum, growth of the tariffs on transportation of petroleum, increase of use of a railway transportation, that has resulted in increase of an average level of transport costs, as specific cost of transportation by rail essentially exceeds specific cost of transportation pipelines by transport.

Commercial, общехозяйственные and the administrative charges have grown in the third quarter of 2002 on 67,4 % up to a level 236 million dollars. USA in comparison with 141 million dollars. USA in the third quarter of 2001. For first nine months of 2002 these charges have made 579 million dollars. USA, that on 13,8 % has exceeded a level of the appropriate period of 2001, when this parameter has made 509 million. dollars. USA. The growth commercial, economic and administrative charges, first of all, was connected to increase of volumes of realization of petroleum and petroleum, use of new export directions, growth of the charges on accounting, audit and consulting services, growth of wages and social charges, and also with consolidation of new affiliated companies. In addition, a number(line) of not money charges, such as charge as a result of decrease(reduction) of a reserve under the legal obligations and not money списания, connected with decrease(reduction) of cost of some actives, have resulted in increase commercial, economic and administrative charges on 15 million dollars. USA in the third quarter of 2002 in comparison with the similar period of 2001. For first nine months of 2002 the total sum of lumpsum not money clauses was lower on 25 million dollars. USA, basically that in 2001 in complete volume the charges left on pension to the employees were made within the framework of the program "Veteran", and, accordingly, in 2002 such charges were not made.

In the third quarter and for first nine months of 2002 there was an essential increase of the taxes, except for the tax to profit, in comparison with the similar periods of the previous year, in connection with increase of volumes of production and introduction since January 1, 2002 of the tax on production of minerals. In the third quarter of 2002 the sum of the taxes, except for the tax to profit, has made 857 million. dollars. USA and 2,053 billion dollars. USA for first nine months of 2002, that exceeds parameters for the appropriate periods of 2001 on 70,0 % and 33,9 % accordingly.

Profit without the account of percents(interests), tax to profit and amortization (EBITDA, determined as the proceeds from realization and other incomes received from the basic activity, behind a minus of the operational charges and other income retentions, plus the amortization) for the third quarter of 2002 has made 1,375 billion dollars. USA in comparison with 1,157 billion dollars. USA in the third quarter of 2001. EBITDA for first nine months of 2002 has made 3,054 billion. dollars. USA in comparison with 3,277 billion dollars. USA for the similar period of 2001.

The charged amortization has made 135 million. dollars. USA in the third quarter of 2002 in comparison with 78 million dollars. USA in the similar period of 2001, and 306 million. dollars. USA for first nine months of 2002 in comparison with 195 million. dollars. USA for first nine months of 2001. The increase of volumes of amortization is explained by the proceeding program of a capital investment, purchases, and also increase of volumes of production of petroleum.